Originally Posted by HowieUMD
I've had a Blue Face for about 3 months now, in my 72 gallon. It's doing great. For about 2 weeks, it would never come out of the rocks, except during feeding, than it'd dart back in. Over the past 2 months, it's my most active fish, and gets along fine with everything, except for the Bangaii Cardinal that I recently got. It occassionally chases it, but not that bad. It's about 5 1/2 inches right now. I would never mix angels, in a 72, but in 3 weeks, my 240 gallon tank will be ready, which is where the Blue Face is going. I'd love to get another of the larger angels. In a tank that size, will 2, or even 3, of the larger angels be able to co-exist together? I'm trying to decide between a Queen, Emperor, or Annularis. If I can pick 2 more out of those 3, than even better.
if you do mix angels, have lots of hiding places, so they can make their territories. be careful though because they may or may not get along. i do know someone with a 240 and he has a koran, emperor, coral beauty, eibli, and majestic and they all do fine. they are all about the 7 inch range. the only problem that might occur is when they mature they become more aggressive.