bonus ?



Originally posted by scoobydoo
In Virginia, is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

its illegal to marry the dead.

bang guy


Originally posted by scoobydoo
3 quarters, 3 dimes, 4 pennies

You're getting warmer!
Now do the reverse... what's the most coins you can have and still not have change for a dollar? You had 10 coins in the first answer...


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
You got it.

Couldnt you have $1.19?
3 quarters, 4 dimes, 4 pennies. You can't make a dollar w/ that, or is it just one of those days for hard.


Active Member
I actually thought about it too much and said 94 pennies and a nickel for 95 coins. Walked away from my desk and said DUH! so edited my original answer.


Ok, I have to get in on this, I love brainteasers.
A Man walks into a store, and asks for a glass of water, the clerk point a gun at the man, the man says thank you and leaves. What is the full story?


"If a man is alone in the woods, is he still wrong? "
If the man is alone in the woods because he got lost and failed to ask directions, then yes, he is still wrong.


Active Member

Originally posted by Aquaman
Ok, I have to get in on this, I love brainteasers.
A Man walks into a store, and asks for a glass of water, the clerk point a gun at the man, the man says thank you and leaves. What is the full story?

I dunno, man had hiccups, wanted a glass of water to get rid of them. Clerk pulls out a gun, scares man, no more hiccups, man needs to change pants.


Active Member

Originally posted by kb68
What is the only state that ends in "K"

7 seconds

Ok, i'll stop now....