bought the blue throat today


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I started a thread before about foods for them and then it started going into the direction that I just had to find one. well, today I picked one up after looking/ calling every store. He is between 4-6in and was eating very well in the store he looked healthy as well. he is now in the process of being acclimated. pics to come.
Aqua if you see this, I found him at one of Vins stores.


Yes..... mine was sooo shy for a few days... even a weeks or so... before he starting coming out a lot... Now he is one of the most aggressive and bold in the tank.


Active Member
in their tank at the LFS he backed up alittle but still stared me down. when he fed them the trigger didnt act scared of anything in there with him, but the only fish that was bigger was a blonde naso.


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does the blue on the chin become more pronounced as they grow? the yellow on the tail is very visible on him as well


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oh and by the my story if the wife asks: I traded a guy at work who had him in a tank that was too small for a holster to my glock that they really wanted.


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no, I have to work nights so the lights wont be on for a few more hours. he was swimming around a little yesterday, but kept running back to his corner. he must fell safe there because thats the spot he chose to wedge himself in as well


Blue throats are really shy fish, at least from what I've noticed in the LFS and other people's tanks. Although it seems that if bought in a pair, they become a lot more outgoing.


Active Member
it has been a day and he is already eating. he ate some pellets, silverside and shrimp. he is swimming around some but seems to like a top corner behind the returns.
Im gonna give him a few days before taking any picks to try and minimize stress


Active Member
Awesome salt! Glad you finally got a Blue Jaw. I actually know Vihn very well. He was the first shop I found when I moved to O-town and help me setup my 29gal. I was at Ocean Blue like when a week for water, then when Aquaria opened (close to my house), like every other day after class getting water.


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here he is, sorry bout the picture he is still camera shy
I have been feeding 3 times a day since I brought him home


Active Member
Thanks for the update. Must have missed the pic earlier...
Any early favorite foods? My old Blue Jaw loved silversides, and my Sargassum loved scallops.


Active Member
Im out of silversides at the moment, but he has eaten table shrimp(not a lot), formula two pellets(loves them), formula two frozen(ate a little). thats all I have tried so far.


Active Member
picture update. he has been in the tank almost a week now and is venturing out more and more.
he has found his own sleeping spot which is still in that cave