euphoria. :sleepy: true. i've learned that ya gotta be like the military about aquisition of equipment and the keeping of such.
yep. many years ago i did the biking thing and ended up w/ a merlin extralight w/dura ace components. i also purchased my original aquarium. if i had to do it today, i most probably couldn't divert that much cash flow to support daddy's hobby.:cheer:
but because of the fact that i had the stuff before i got married, it is easier to say that it is an replacement/upgrade of equipment instead of doing the "congressional hearings" about the brand new purchase.:happyfish
i'm not sure if the new 7 has caught my fancy yet, i just know that the e-38 style just does it for me. and there won't be any brand spankin' new cars from the dealer because of the toddler issue. in august my 4 year old threw a rock and i eventually found it on the trunk and didn't think much about it except that i would whip him later...about 10 minutes later i was looking at the car a little closer and found the rear glass was broken the the tune of $1200
when i buy used i don't feel so bad when it gets dinged.
then in the first part of sept, my college daughter got in a car accident and didn't tell anyone until i saw the car the next morning (which happened to be my wedding anniversary)
and then on the day we were going to pick up the taurus (her car to use), momma center punches a grayhair in a pontiac grand am
the van survived. the grand am is a throw a way. mass of vehicle wins every time. she no longer wants a mini van.
that's where all my new tank money has been going for the last several months.