boy im stupid!`

today i did the most stupidist thing. i bought a few more pound of live rock so i decided to arrange my tank and remove my rock all at once so i can get the da dmasel out. By the way he is swimming in a water puddle in my back yard. so while removing the rocks i didnt want to break my new heater that i had for a bout 3 mos. i took it out and set it on top of the tank. afetr a hour of messing around , i returned the heater to the tank and CRACK!!!!. really ticked me off. so i had to put my 50watt in there till tomrorrow so i can go get one. has this happened to anyone else before or just me?


I have learned that any time I am going to take my heater out of the tank I unplug it for abut 15 minuties before removing it and when I put it back in I leave it in the tank for about another 15-20 min before plugging it back in. I haven't broke one yet by doing this.


Active Member
you should have returned the damsel to the LFS- even though it is just a fish- and sometimes an annoying one at that- no need to kill it. Just think it had a whole wide open ocean to swim in, then was caught, shipped a couple hundred miles, sold at the LFS to your tank, and then tossed in a puddle to die b/c it was insignifacant and you didnt like it anymore- sorry to rain on your parade;)
well i know what you mean, the town i live in dont have a lfs open on the weekend and i live about 60 miles from town, i would have to pay at leat 12 in gas to just take the fish there and give it back.


I agree with j12kickster.... if you buy an animal, rather than kill it, return it. The ocean is not unlimited in supply, and the damsel didn't want to be caught... he would have rather stayed there. It is really unfair to animals to hurt them because of their natural behavior. :rolleyes: :D
i think you guys probably thought i just threw the perectly good damsel out. i anemmone got a hold of him a few times this week and the hawk fish so far hate his fin and nicking at his tail fin. it has no fins and just floats aound the tank waiting to get ate. im not the type of person to watch my fish get ate. i i just threw him outside. if i would of flushed him he would be in my septic tank swimming in @%*&. so i thought it could die faster outside. that was my reason for it, i wasnt going to take a ill fish that was going to die anyways 120 miles round trip to a lfs to have it die there.
The stupid part was not breaking your heater, as you indicated, it was destroying your damsel. You could have kept a bucket of seawater from your tank and put him in there until you located a new home for him. Try calling your hobbiest friends or your local fish club or placing an ad in the paper for your free fish. Chucking it into a mud puddle in your yard to die is WRONG and displays a distinct and casual disregard for life.
i think you guys probably thought i just threw the perectly good damsel out. i anemmone got a hold of him a few times this week and the hawk fish so far hate his fin and nicking at his tail fin. it has no fins and just floats aound the tank waiting to get ate. im not the type of person to watch my fish get ate. i i just threw him outside. if i would of flushed him he would be in my septic tank swimming in @%*&. so i thought it could die faster outside. that was my reason for it, i wasnt going to take a ill fish that was going to die anyways 120 miles round trip to a lfs to have it die there
Why was it necessary to remove all of your live rock to remove a damsel that "just floats around the tank" with no fins waiting to be ate? Me thinks something is wrong with this picture.
I have removed all of my live rock to catch a fish, but it was alive and well and tough and fast and smart. If this were not the case I could have simply netted him and returned him to the LFS rather than going through the aggravation of removing my rock and catching him that way.


Active Member

Originally posted by califishdude
i bought a few more pound of live rock so i decided to arrange my tank and remove my rock all at once so i can get the da dmasel out.

So you had to remove all of the rock to get out a damsel with no fins that couldnt swim:confused: :D


Active Member

Originally posted by califishdude
i thought it could die faster outside. that was my reason for it, i wasnt going to take a ill fish that was going to die anyways 120 miles round trip to a lfs to have it die there.

In case this happens again and you decide the fish is a gonner- take a plastic bag full of the tank water, put the fish in, and put it in your freezer- the fish just blacks out- without pain, similar when people freeze to death- they just drift into sleep and their body shuts down.


Do you know if fish can register fear?I wonder because they do know when to "run" from a predator.Thanks.


Active Member
Not really fear, but they do realize if they are potential lunch for another animal. It is a primal response to natural instinct