brain??rose???what is help


i bought this coral at my lfs he sold it as a open brain i bought cuz it was uniqe looking like a 3 leaf clover, got it home and got ready to put it in and noticed that the bottom isent shaped like a open brain(its flat and kind of squared off) so i got to watching real close and when the lights went out there came a bunch of feeding tenticles along its seem i put some shrimp pellets in and he opened way up with long tenticles (open brains dont do this do they iv never seen 1 do it anyhow??) so what is this guys it was only 25 bucks and i dont think its a open brain maybe a flat brain i dont no help plz....sorry so long

richard rendos

Active Member
Brain...and I doubt you will ever come across a rose coral for sale. They are illegal to harvest/import. No transhipper/wholesaler/etc. I ever spoke to would take the risk of getting one.

yosemite sam

Active Member
CLAMps, I have a very similar brain and was told it is a wellsophyllia brain. I'm not sure what the difference is between it and other open brains.


i know it looks more like a reg. open brain but the base of it threw me(being that its flat)does this mean its a flat brain??i figgured it was a brain but what kind, i was leaning closer to lobophilia(spelling)but im not sure ,,thats why i wanted to know