Breeding Bangaii Cardinals


I love bangaii cardinals but I have never gotten the chance to buy them because by the time i went to my lfs they were always sold. But I know nothing about breeding them so I was wondering if anyone had some info about it and answer questions like:
How hard is it to breed bangaii?
How many should you get for breeding?
Will hatchlings be eaten by other tank mates and if yes should I have just a bangaii tank for breeding?
How many fish per litter?
Any breeding conditions like higher temp or something?

bang guy

1 - They are the easiest Saltwater Fish to breed.
2 - You must get one male, one female. No more no less.
3 - Yes. The fry must be removed or everythig will snack on them. Even the parents.
4 - typically 20 - 40. Sometimes as high as 50.
5 - Normal reef conditions. 80F - 85F, salinity 35ppt, etc.

bang guy


Originally posted by essop3
google search: Frank Marini bangaii breeding

Except you'll have to spell the fish "Banggai" though.

bang guy


Originally posted by rangermonroe
Bang, I only got mine to breed that one time. Is therr enay way to induce spawning?

Excessive feeding at dusk & dawn seems to work for me.