Breeding Bangaii Cardinals


Active Member
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
I actually had 6 of them in my tank. I only had them for two maybe three months before I saw the eggs. I had been trying to figure out how to tell the difference btwn the male and females so that I could try to breed them. Then one day the two of them started hanging out and hiding in the corner together. When i looked closer I noticed the eggs. it was a great surprise.
Were the eggs on a rock or the glass? I am so intrigued by this.
I think the effort to captively breed and raise tropicals should be encouraged. I'm in process of trying to figure out a way to raise CBS babies.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Were the eggs on a rock or the glass? I am so intrigued by this.
I think the effort to captively breed and raise tropicals should be encouraged. I'm in process of trying to figure out a way to raise CBS babies.
Actually they were in his mouth when I noticed.


Does anyone know how I can tell for sure that he no longer has any in his mouth? I know I have to take the male out after he releases all of the babies but Im not sure how to tell whether or not he has released them ALL. Any help would be great. Thank you!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Does anyone know how I can tell for sure that he no longer has any in his mouth? I know I have to take the male out after he releases all of the babies but Im not sure how to tell whether or not he has released them ALL. Any help would be great. Thank you!!!
When he starts to eat again.
Assuming he hasn't through this process.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
When he starts to eat again.
Assuming he hasn't through this process.
Thank you so much!!!! He just ate and I removed him from the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Thank you so much!!!! He just ate and I removed him from the tank.
How many babies total do you think you have?


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
How many babies total do you think you have?
Its so hard to count!!! They are so little and they hide in the plants, but I can count 40. There may be more though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Its so hard to count!!! They are so little and they hide in the plants, but I can count 40. There may be more though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Its so hard to count!!! They are so little and they hide in the plants, but I can count 40. There may be more though.
Are they eating? And what?


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Are they eating? And what?
i have been hatching baby brine shrimp. They are eating!!!! I have been trying to find frozen prawn eggs, I heard they are better for the babies, but it seems to be very hard to find.


ok. i ran out of baby brine shrimp. i am now learning how to decapsulate the cysts or eggs. apperantly it will cause the eggs to hatch a lot sooner than 24 hours. so its midnight and i'm starting the whole decapsulating process. so, we'll see how much sleep i get tonight. man, this is some serious work.
p.s. my keyboard's shift button is not working for some reason. thats why i'm typing like this. please don't think that i don't know how to type.


Originally Posted by cpbirds407
p.s. my keyboard's shift button is not working for some reason. thats why i'm typing like this. please don't think that i don't know how to type.

You do know that most have two right?! LOL, JK


Originally Posted by AngryCrab
You do know that most have two right?! LOL, JK

actually i do know. lol
however, both don't work. i don't know whats wrong. i'm getting a cheap one today from walmart.


Kepp feeding baby brine shrimp--however ensure you are supplimenting the baby brine shrimp w/ phytoplankton or at a minimum selcon. If you notice any babies fainting or spiralling then you best watch out.
brine shrimp is good, but the HUFA suppliments will prevent any developmental problems.
Lastly, that article that got cut-n-pasted earlier in this thread is from the original Breeders registry article i wrote in 1996. While the link was removed, it would be nice to at least cite the authors work/ Hopefully Guy (Bang Guy) is still around, he's also done some great work w/ these fish