Breeding Cleaner Shrimp


New Member
Looking at breeding a few different animals. For Cleaner Shrimp would a 10 gal with undergravel filter work? Also if that would work which would work better, sand or cc?


Active Member
I have not heard of anyone breeding shrimp. The fry are so small that no food is availible. But I could be wrong.
I would stick with fish first. IMO.

bang guy

Breeding the Shrimp is really easy. Just get two Cleaners of the same specie and they'll breed.
Raising the larvae is difficult & time consuming. They are so delicate that just bumping the will fatally injure them. Out of thousand of fry I managed a single Scarlet Cleaner. Peppermint Cleaners are a lot easier so I recommend you start with them.
A round container with a small light pointing right at the middle will keep the larvae from going to the bottom or the sides. This will allow you to put a sponge filter at the bottom side of the container.
The good news is that they can chew. This means they can hold onto a pretty big piece of food and chew on it all day. The bad news is that their limbs are so weak they can barely hold on to even new born Brine Shrimp. A two day old Brine Shrimp is too strong for them. A combination of newly hatched brine shrimp and crushed flaked fish food works.
Other bad news is that everything eats them. Clownfish, Feather Dusters, Hydroids, even their parents will eat them. Actually they will even eat each other if there's a large difference in size.


New Member
Thanks for the Great Info BANG. Have you thought about or tried puting screen halfway in the tank. If the fry goes to the light and are small enough would this protect them from the parents? Just an Idea, or would it damage them if they hit the screen on the way up?

bang guy

If they hit a screen it would probably damage them to the point where they can no longer hold onto food. Effectively, it would kill them.


So if I got 2 cleaner shrimp an put them in my 10g nano, they would start having babeis and it will kinda feed my tank???
I dont have any fish, just a few hermits an 1 turbo snail. I also have losts of bristle worms:jumping: and lots of little duster clusters. . . . .

bang guy

As long as they are the same specie of Cleaner Shrimp then they will both feed your tank about once a month. I'd suggest Scarlet Cleaners.