breeding mandarins



I was wondering if anyone has had any success trying to breed mandarins.
I have had the female for about 6 months now. Once I determined that my pod population was sufficient for another I purchased a male (I have a 40 gallon above tank refugium for pods). They have been together now for about a month, and lately I have noticed them doing a sort of dance around each other with the male showing off his spike fin. After they do this, they usually retreat into the live rock.
Are there certain conditions and/or places that they like to lay eggs? I realize that the real challenge would be raising the fry. Just looking for advice and others experiences.

bang guy

Mine spawn about once a month (that I notice). They do the dance every night.
They are broadcast spawners so they don't need a place to lay the eggs. They do need vertical space to do the dance though.
The eggs will float for about 30 seconds and then will become sticky and sink.


New Member
I don't mean to hijack the thread but, I have a quick question for osufarker. Where in Ohio are you located and where did you get you Queen Angel?


Beach City. I bought it at Wet Pets Plus in Canton. I have had it for awhile now. It was traded in to them by someone that wanted to setup a reef tank, so this fish has spent most of its life in an aquarium. I often try to buy fish that have an established record in captivity; best way to buy them IMO.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Mine spawn about once a month (that I notice). They do the dance every night.
They are broadcast spawners so they don't need a place to lay the eggs. They do need vertical space to do the dance though.
The eggs will float for about 30 seconds and then will become sticky and sink.

You definately seem to be one of the most experienced members as far as breeding. Have you had any success raising madarin fry?


New Member
That's Great!!!!!!
He used to be mine. I thought he looked familiar. He always did very well in my tank. I'm glad to see that he went to a good home. Thanks.

bang guy

I've captured the eggs several times and they always hatch. I can't seem to keep the larvae alive very long though. They seem to die at about day 5 - 7 with full bellies.

bang guy

This is what the eggs look like a couple of days before they hatch. The coin is under the container and just there to show the size of the eggs.