Breeding Pepermint Shrimp


New Member
The larvae from the peppermint shrimp makes great food for your system....probably wont get any additional shrimp out of it...but additional food for the reef is always good...if you are goin reef that is.


Bang I've never heard that, at the store we always keep them one to a tank unless they come in pairs, they always seem to shred each other if not kept singly in all but very large tanks!


I found the ultimate resource on this. A book called "How to Raise and Train your Peppermint Shrimp". I kid you not. About 12 bucks on, and a great read. Covers raising larvae to adulthood from a pair of peppermints, and has lots of other great stuff about aquarium shrimp. Check it out.

bang guy


Originally posted by j21kickster
Bang are they hemofraditic ? so just any 2?

Yep, they are hermaphrodites. Any two will breed. However, they cannot impregnate themselves. They can also store sperm for several months.

bang guy


Originally posted by HolaCanthus
Bang I've never heard that, at the store we always keep them one to a tank unless they come in pairs, they always seem to shred each other if not kept singly in all but very large tanks!

Peppermint shrimp are very social. You could easily keep 4 or 5 in a 20 gal with no problems. At don't be surprised if all 5 are soon carrying eggs.


I have had one pepermint shrimp for about 1 month, and its doing great, but it acts like it owns the whole bottom of the tank and chases away the scarlet reef hermit. Will it attack another pepermint shrimp that I want to add? Also, what is the age and size they must be in order for them to breed?

bang guy

To be honest, I've never mixed sizes of Peppermints. I would guess that the smaller would be fine if they were mature. I do know that Peppermints will eat their own larvae. I'll try placing a small one amongst the larger colony tonight and let you know what happens.
The larval period is about 2 months, sometimes less, and they reach maturity about 3 months after that in my experience. I would guess that the available foods could have a large impact on that timeframe though. Certainly within 6 months post-larvae they would be breeding, probably much sooner though. The shrimp you get from the LFS are probably mature and ready to breed.