Brine Shrimp


My LFS told me that the best food for my 2 clowns and blue hippo is brine shrimp with flakes. Any thoughts

bang guy

Flaked food releases a lot of nutrients into the water and sound be avoided IMO unless you are trying to grow cyanobacter and algae.
Brine shrimp in itself has almost no nutritional value unless it's gut loaded with nutritious food before feeding.


Active Member
Brine shrimp has great nutritional value for about an hour after it's hatched or if it's gutloaded. Flakes aren't good for your water quality at all. I keep some around because they last forever and if I absolutely need to, I can use them. You should just buy some frozen food.


Active Member
Brine is like rice cakes ... but it does stimulate the appetite if you have a picky fish. Start with brine then mix other foods in to trick them into eating better foods.
I dont care if people disagree with me... but flake food sucks. no further explanation needed.
Buy raw seafood from your grocery food store and cut it up into little pieces. You can buy nori sheets and mix it in if you have veggie eaters.
Variety is key.
I also spike thier food with zoe and garlic.
Good Luck