Brine Shrimp???


I bought a hang on fish net breeder to hang on the side of my tank. I also bought a bunch of brine shrimp and put them inside. It has pretty good water flow through it.
What do I need to do to keep the brine shrimp breeding? I would like to keep them as a food source. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

bang guy

Brine shrimp need a lot of phytoplankton to eat. Actually there are a lot of foods they will eat but phyto is probably best. They need it rather thick though. If the water doesn't have a green tint constantly then there's not enough. For best breeding conditions you should not be able to see more than 12" through the water.


Wow...thats really cloudy.......its just much easier for me to stop by the LFS on the way home from work....LOL!


IME, brine shrimps need higher salinity than your average tank salinity. They also need brisk water aeration using air pumps. They will grow to adulthood and bear eggs at proper temp, salinity and ordinary table yeast fed every other day. Make sure you dissolve the yeast in the brine water before feeding. It's fun to hatch and grow them but it's a lot of work. Even when ready for harvest, you have to carefully strain them to separate the eggshells but you can buy ones without shells.


I have heard its not really good to get the live brine for they can bring diseases wrong.. Tell cause i might be raising Baby Clowns and i have heard that is what u feed them. Thanks.


The best method we have found is to order a large amount of live brine and just keep them in a well aerated 2 gallon hex tank. We do this for our seahorse, and a 2 gallon supply of brine shrimp stay alive for a good month this way. We feed artemia to the brine shrimp, and use just a simple air pump in the 2 gallon hex.
We order a new shipment every month, and usually just have a few left from the last order when the new order comes. We give them to the seahorse daily, and to our other tanks on a weekly basis as a treat.