Bring Out The Clowns!!!!!


Active Member
Here's my Tomato...been with my tank since I started in the hobby...began in my 29g, and is now happy as can be in my 60g...

bang guy


Originally posted by Wrassecal
WOW Guy does everything breed in your tanks?

Yes!! :D
What are you putting in the water?:D

NOTHING!!!! Maybe it's coincidence...maybe it's not...

bang guy


Originally posted by Ty_05_f
Bang guy do you raise the frye or do you just let em be.

Right now I only have time to raise one type of fish. Since Percs are very very far from being endangered I focus on the Banggai. My next project, which is currently being set up, will be Mandarin Dragonettes. After that, Percs will be pure fun I believe. I can hardly wait.


Active Member
Man, Bang, you must have some help from Clonaid or something. Everything seems to reproduce in your tanks. So far, you've raised Banggai's, next Mandarin's, and finally Percula's? I hope I reach that point some day. Right now I only raise Perculas, but my tank is too small to support a Pod Population for a pair of Mandarins, it's only a 75G, but I soon plan to add a 55G refugium which may help.
PS My next endeavor will be a Volitan Lion Reproductive Program. I've gotten a ton of help from AFM, and am close to being capable of rearing the fry.


Active Member

Originally posted by Demosthenes
PS My next endeavor will be a Volitan Lion Reproductive Program. I've gotten a ton of help from AFM, and am close to being capable of rearing the fry.

Is that for the Percs or the lion?

sinner's girl

Sinner found the pic's we took of the tank the other night (we thought they got deleted). When I get home sunday, i'll post pic's of my clown.