bringing it back post pics of clowns and anenomes here!!!!


Active Member
here's mine... the picture isnt the best...i working on another picture... its taking you go...


reef diver

Active Member
Wow gator that anemone is amazing, I love it! Lotsa tentacles, how old are the clowns?, how old is ur tank?


Active Member
one clown... he likes to bury himself... im new at this so when he closes up he scares me... so i have posted a lot about him


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Wow gator that anemone is amazing, I love it! Lotsa tentacles, how old are the clowns?, how old is ur tank?
Thanks ReefDiver
The tank is only 3 months old (young I know)
the clowns in those pics were like 10 weeks old and have grown some since I got them 3 weeks ago. The RBTA was that big when I got him from my LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
nioce anemone taznut, i no that scared feeling, what color is the anemone,is he white like in the pic?
yeah that is his color... is this a problem?? i have read a lot of these threads that say its bad for them to be really white but nobody ever says y or how to fix it... can u help me out???

reef diver

Active Member
BTW gator, im in the same boat as u oive got a 3.5 month old tank. It is REALLY bad for them to be white, this is becausethe zooxanthealle in his body are gone, and they are providing no nutrition, what lighting do you have?


Active Member
i have a coralite 130w 50/50 30". I dont know what type that is so if you could tell me that would be great... what can i do so he isnt white any more... i have tried putting him closer to the light a couple times and he either closes up and falls off the rock or crawls down...

reef diver

Active Member
but i think regardless, im sad to say I would take ur anemone back to the store, much to the woe of the clownfish, my belief is get the bestv light u can go for at least a 260 watt pc light system at least , for sebae, i heard from thomas712, talk top him to get the best info, for a temporary home for ur clown get a plastic anemone, and put it in the same place as ur current one when you take it back also i dont think that light is enough for corals. Im not trying to flkame, only to help. U can ask ur LFS to hlod the anemone for u until it either dies, or becomes healthy again, but ask them to hold it until u can get propor lights, i thnk thomas said that if u want to replenish the zooxanthellale, u need to have metalhalide at least

reef diver

Active Member
And I went nutz,

Hre they are and a video too!

The pic that is part of it did not go through, so click on the "x" and it will work.