Bristle Worms.. I need HELP!!!!



I have a 46 gallon bowfront with a nice little reef. I recently just bought some new rock and found out that there are lots of Bistle worms in my tank. I need to know if I need to get rid of them or keep them. I need to know what will eat them and get rid of those little boogers. I also just bought am emerald green crab but he doesn't seem to be eating them. Please help because some of them are up to about 3 to 4 inches long and I dont know what to do. Thanks.


An arrow crab would probably eat the bristle worms :hilarious :hilarious

bang guy

All reef tanks have Bristleworms. Most are very beneficial and having them has prevented many tank from crashing when things go wrong.
Keep them, you'll only see them occationally anyway. If you find that you have population explosions it's always due to excess food.


yeah arrow crabs will or some dottybacks will eat them, but they are agressive fish. emerald crabs will not eat bristleworms.


Active Member
My Six Line Wrasse grabbed one while I was feeding. don't know if this is normal behavior.
Like it was said, however, don't worry about them. They are helping to clean your tank for you. Worst case, trap em and sell some to me! I want more.


I have an emerald crab that I just witnessed catching & eatting a bristle worm. My brother had a arrow crab that killed & ate some of his small fish. He also has a yellow watchman that eats bristles.