Bristle worms


New Member
ive got worms in my gravel, ornage at one end, and browner at the other, with white 'legs' along the length.
are these bristle worms?
shall i leave them alone? theres a bunch....
did you say gravel????
those sound like bristle worms to me. i say leave them alone. they are great for a reef tank. just don't touch them unless you like awful pain.
IMO, arrow crabs are just as bad as coral banded shrimp.
just my opinion though.;)
BTW, everybody has bristle worms. you can never rid a tank of them unless EVERYTHING is aquacultured. even in my aquacultured tanks i still added bristle worms to it. but i also added a copperband butterfly who keeps them in check. i know what they say about the copperbands, but i like taking risks, and this risk is doing great for me.

bang guy

A couple of the Eunicid sp. worms can catch and eat fish but only after attaining a length of a couple feet. The Orange Bristleworm you ate referring to ( common Polychate) cannot eat a live fish. What the abover person is probably referring to is the aweful damage Bristle worms can to to a DEAD fish or DEAD Clam.... they do their job very well however gruesome it is.