Bristle worms?


What is the probs with bristle worms? I have them in my 20 gal coral tank and my 10 gal QT tank which only has 30 lbs of lr, 40 lbs of ls and snails. Are they a problem? Someone said they eat corals, anenomes and such. Is this true? Should I get rid of them? I have alot..I counted 13 in my 10 today when I added some food for the clean-up crew there are probably more. Don't know how many in my 20 gal but they are there. Has anyone had a problem with these guys?


They are crawling all throughout my live rock and I've never had a problem. I think they are beneficial they eat fish wastes and other harmful compounds.


OK , my LFS said that they F with your corals and anenomes. Just want to know, they sell bristle worm traps and I want to know what damage they can do. I me you have spent thousands on our fish and their health. Just want to know EXACTLY what they do. Couldn't find much info elsewhere. Anyone?

bang guy

Saying that Bristle worm eat corals is like saying fish eat corals. Some do most do not. There are over 10,000 species of Bristle worms, about a dozen can eat coral.
Most found in the hobby are beneficial.
I freaked out when I saw the first few in my tank but after listening to bang guy and the rest of the crew you really have nothing to worry about. Mine don't mess with anything. I watch them with the red flashlight at night. I am almost as fascinated with them and the pods as the rest of the tank.


i wouldnt worry. I have a BTA and tons of bristle worms on neighboring pieces of live rock, they never bother it.


Thanks all, I was concerned when my LFS said they could be a problem, have lots of them all over in all 3 of my tanks....


hey I will trade you pound for pound for your live
I want a psycho-delic mandarin in my tank, merely waiting for those dang worms.


Dindi: i was worried when I first saw them too. I was like "oh my god they look so sinister..." but they really are a benefit, mine keep my crushed coral bed pretty well taken care of (even though I am switching to a deep sand bed soon)


Active Member

Originally posted by Rickster
hey I will trade you pound for pound for your live
I want a psycho-delic mandarin in my tank, merely waiting for those dang worms.

Mandarins eat pods, not worms.
Bristle Worms are the most horrible things in the world!! They can eat your dog!!! Actually I don't know for sure, but if you guys say I can benefit from them, I'll stop killing them.


brissle worms can do harm to soft corals and can do harm to tube worm colonies they usually will not tackle large prey if food is in abundance i.e. fish poop, frozen brine, and anything else in you tank i have seen brissle worms for sale $10 per dozen
Thought I would share my weekends experience with BWs
I just found 4, somewhat large, bristle worms in my tank that I had now clue were there. All about 2 inches long, but one looked like he had made several trips through the buffet line.
Anyway, I have never noticed them bothering anything. They pretty much have stayed in the LR, which is why I never saw them. I just rearranged my rock so it must have stirred them up.
I too believe they are beneficial and have not had any bad experiences. Keep'em.