

Any suggestions for removal. They killed an anemone and possibly two brain corals. I have a Christmas Wrasse but not sure if he will help with the removal. Thanks in advance.


Aside from getting a six line wrasse or arrow crab (though I would not suggest an arrow crab) you could buy a bristle worm trap. It's something that you can find online or im sure your lfs will have one. But what I do is just use a pair of tweezers to pull the bigger ones out, and that seems to work pretty well.


Active Member
if the bristle worms are killing your anemone or corals the thing must be half a foot long or bigger just stab it with something.... I think this unlikley, though, I have seen one over a foot once. in my friends 120. he just baited it out with food and netted it. traps, six lined wrasses, pseudochromis fridmani, and netting all work. I just scoop the big ones out by hand. They are benificial sand shifters and detritivores. (I also think they are cool looking) I know kinda weird.