Fact, she was your first love and you will never forget her or the feeling you had/have towards her. But what we tend to forget is why it didn't work in the first place. "Love" is funny, you tend to only remember the good and not the bad. Heard the saying the grass is greener on the other side? Well apply it here.
Take the energy that you were focusing on her and apply it to your schooling and career. You need to concentrate on that above all else so that you can afford bigger tanks in the future.
If she did break up with you and she wants to get back with you tell her flat out no, lets just be friends. Don't matter how much that hurts you but she will play you for all you are worth then drop you when something better comes along. I am not saying women are the only ones that do this, men do it too. Never trust her again because it will only cause more hurt later.
Just my opinions...