

Does this look like Brooklynella? Started feeding with garlic-soaked foods to boost immune system. Will be going to the lfs tomorrow to look for the Formalin...any other suggestions for treatment or ideas on what this might be?


I do see peeling. How long have you had this fish? Can you get to the store tommorow and buy formalin? Look in the Common Treatments FAQ for the correct directions on a formalin bath. It only takes a few days, but you must have a qt tank set up. Brook kills fast, so do not wait! Don't do the directions on the bottle, they are genaric for any disease. Go to the Common Treatments FAQ for info on the dips. If you can't find it, let us know.


Thanks for the reply...we've had the fish right at one week. Everything looked fine until yesterday. I will be going to the fish store first thing to get some Formalin. I noticed there are a few different types of Formalin...which one do you recommend?


Originally Posted by bustedadam
Thanks for the reply...we've had the fish right at one week. Everything looked fine until yesterday. I will be going to the fish store first thing to get some Formalin. I noticed there are a few different types of Formalin...which one do you recommend?
Go to Beth's FAQ called "Common Treatments". Scroll down to formalin baths. There is a picture of the bottle and exact directions.


He's in a 2 gallon pico tank right now, well aerated, and with his own heater. He freaked out for the first couple of minutes, but now he is swimming around normally.


The bath went well. He is back to swimming around like nothing is wrong, eating well and everything. I will continue this process for the recommended 5 treatments and post my progress on here.
On a side note, I feel that even for being a tank raised clown, he is a strong little fella. :happyfish


Active Member
:mad: where do you find this medication i have asked 4 lfs here and they dont sell it and they havent ever heard of it or that disease but im sure that is what my fish have


We just happened to find it at our local saltwaterfish store (great store, you just need to know what you are getting before going in there).
We had no luck looking for it at the large pet retail stores. Hope you can get your hands on some!


Active Member
i found 2 products containing formalin. one is quick cure which has formalin and malachite green in it, and rid ich that has formladehyde 4.26% (11.52% formalin and zinc free chloride salt of malachite green im not sure which one to use for the bath? the quick cure is made by aquarim products and the rid ich is by korndon.


I used a rio power filter without a filter in it for the air in the bath. The medication I have has the brand name "Formalin" (made by Aquarium Products) and it is 37% formaldehyde. It already seems to have worked pretty well...the spots on his/her skin have gone down significantly. I'll try and get and updated pic if I took about 25 shots to get that first one! Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the other products you mentioned. This is the first time I've had to deal with a sick fish, but he seems to be hanging in there. I hope you find something that works!


Staff member
Stone no, pump yes. A small pump is much preferable to an airstone. Formaldehyde will deplete the O2 supply in the water.


So far, the clown seems to be doing better! The spots/peeling have gone down. There is only one visible white spot at this time. I managed to get a picture. This time it only took me about 15 shots...these guys are fast! He is swimming and eating normally. Today is his day off from the formalin bath, but I will be giving him another one tomorrow. Thank you Sep and Beth for all of your help!


I am very happy to hear that!! It is always a good idea to have a bottle of formalin on hand when purchasing clowns. Brook can kill fast. I am glad yours is doing so much better.


Active Member
Congrats Bustedadam! thats awesome. Alot of brook victims dont make it because they are too far gone by the time it's recognized. Nicely Done!! :happyfish


Active Member
i gave mine a bath last night and he dont seem to be doing better actually his fins are starting to come off too.