

hi everyone... i am sad to say that this morning i woke up to see my cardinal bangaii dead!!! he looked perfectly healthy yesterday. He has been a picky eater, but he was eating a little. This is all in my qt along with 2 tiny nano clowns. the one clown looks like it is going to die any minute, he is on the sand breathing heavy on his side, he seems a little pale and looks like a small case of brooklynella. the other clown seems healthy, but he also looks like his color is a little white (smaller case of brooklynella) I cant get pics but it does look like brooklynella in very early stages (im thinking it might be marive velvet? but i cant find pics on it). What can I dO!!!! i guess im going to buy formalin and start baths?? is it like ich in ways that i have to irradicate my tank from it for weeks? (does it live in the water? or just on the clown?)


Yes, for Marine Velvet, you have to leave the tank fallow for 8 weeks. I think it's recommended for brooklynella as well, but I'm not positive.


all the fish died... but then how would doing formalin baths and keep transfering the fish back in the tank kill the brook? and now i need to keep my qt fallow for 8 weeks?


Staff member
Are you familiar with brook? Its hard to know what the fish had from your description.


yup, i had a case of it a couple years ago, but this time it just looks like a really small case of it. idk what to do with my qt now, fallow for 8 weeks?


Staff member
Can you break it down, clean it up good? Basically start over. If not, then yeah, 8 weeks.


i dnt get it then. how would doing fromalin baths on a clown and putting him back in the qt that has the disease kill the disease?

bang guy

The formalin needs to also be added to the hospital tank. I actually recommend freshwater baths to kill the parasites on the fish and then formalin in the hospital tank. IIRC 4 drops of formalin per gallon in the hospital tank.


omg! today i found the other clown! i thought he died because he was nowhere to be found.. he was hiding in the rocks for 3 days... he looks fine,, do you guys believe this is brook if the other clown is still alive? im about the treat the qt with formalin


Staff member
From the description you provide, I can't tell. However, go ahead proceed with the formalin.


i added formalin to the qt tank today... i'm trying to find the clown and give him a dip but he is hiding somewhere weird.. i have never had a clown that hides like that, i swear i think hes dead again