Broomer5 or BangGuy I gotta a Question for you.


I just read the sticky about Ca,Ph and alk being related. That finally answers a few of my questions. But I still have one.
My Ca is 660 (this is the second test kit I've used)
My Ph is 7.8-8.0
I don't know what my ALK is just yet. I will be going out to buy a Alk test kit tomorrow.
Since i'm HAVING TROUBLE WITH ONE -or two what should I do to get them back were they should be.
Here is my tank info:
55G tank.
Use Oceanic Salt
404 Fluval canister (340gph)
204 Fluval canister (mainly for the service skimmer - 180gph)
Maxi Jet 1200 (295Gph)
Prizm Skimmer Deluxe ( On my list to upgrade)
75lbs of LS
20lbs Of LR ( will be ordering 45lbs more next week)
5-10lbs of Base rock (starting to have coroline algae growing on it)
2 Oc-Clowns (mated pair)
3-4 peppermint shrimp
1-yellow tail damsel
1-3 stripe damsel
1- Chromis damsel
1-Kole Angel
1-suzy light foot crab
1- flame scallop
Turbo Snail (2-2.5inches.)
1-cleaner shrimp
1 litttttttttle baby turbo snail
5-nasurris (can't spell) snails
3- Queen Conchs.
2-scooter dragonets. (pair)
Ph 8.0 Thinking about using a buffer but will decide after I do a water change tomorrow and test ph before i turn the lights on.
trites: 0
Trates: are 40 so I will be doing a big water change tomorrow and also some little ones every few days to get it back down to were it is usually is 10-20
Saltinity: 33 or 1.024
Temp is between 78-80
Ca 660
KH: 8 drops or 143.2ppm
I will be re-reading that thread just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Thanks Leona


I would like to try and get this under control before my "reef in progress" turns into "Reefer"


I'd bet your alk is low. If so then buffering it could help bring down the calcium as it raises the alkalinity.
I'd check, test, your water change water just to be on the safe side before you add it to the main tank. I would check for alk, cal, and magnesium.

bang guy

KH of 140 is an ALK of about 2.8Meq/L
That's not too bad but low for your Calcium level. If you add a buffer now with such a high Calcium level you could end up in bad shape. I'd mix up some new saltwater, let it sit for a few hours, and test it for Calcium. If it registers above 500ppm Ca then I'd switch brands of salt.
IMO your Calcium is precipitating and this is keeping your PH and ALK low.


How can I fix this? Changing salts? IMO your Calcium is precipitating and this is keeping your PH and ALK low. Should I just do the water changes and not buffer for the PH? Will adding more PH help.
I will do my water change and test the Ca and Alk. I guess the Magnesium also.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
The only time you should ever buffer PH is when medicating a fish.

Thanks.........I had remembered you saying that ounce before that's why I havn't added anything. No buffering.
O by the way.
My Ca is 460 mixed before adding it to the tank. The water was made with Oceanic and rodi water.
My alk was 3.0 mg/l
PH is 7.8
I also got a Magnesium test kit but Not sure of the reading if it's good or bad. 1625mg/l I had to do this test 2x's cause it was a little confusing. It's the Seachems brand.
Should I (A)change salts (B)wait a few days and re-test everything again?
What happens if everything is still the same Ca. I'm worried for when we start adding corals to our tank. I bought a small box of Instant ocean was think about trying it. Not sure havn't opened it yet.


I found my answer guy, I don't need to change salts because it's not over 500 or do you think I still should?
So back to second part of my question Now how can I get everything into normal ranges? Because if I can't I won't be able to get corals correct?

bang guy

The levels your are reporting are common with Oceanic Salt. If you add Corals and they start growing your number are going to be more in the normal range.
My sugestion is to switch to Instant Ocean or a similar salt until you get a thriving colony of corals. Oceanic is loaded with extras of the stuff corals consume.



Originally posted by A&M Aggie 04'
the salt is fine, no need to change.
What additives are you adding to the tank?

NOTHING..........................NO additives.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
The levels your are reporting are common with Oceanic Salt. If you add Corals and they start growing your number are going to be more in the normal range.
My sugestion is to switch to Instant Ocean or a similar salt until you get a thriving colony of corals. Oceanic is loaded with extras of the stuff corals consume.

Thanks Guy,
I will finish up my oceanic salt that I have and then try the Instant Ocean to see if that will help things.
Thanks everyone.