brown flat worms


I looked into my refuge and notice these brown things floating on the water and on the side of the refuge.
I caught one in a cup and it looks like a flat worm b/c of the split tail but it's not white.
Can anyone tell me if this is bad? Right now the fuge is not connected to the main tank.
BTW - I did see some other white shrimps around the refuge so I guess everything is doing good.


When you say lobes what exactly does that mean? When I looked at the "thing" it looked like a smaller version of a tadpole but the tail was split into 2 parts.
I've tried researching on google but can't find any information.
Thanks for all you help Bang Guy.
PS how is Nemo doing?

bang guy

Nemo was busily swimming around when I left this morning.
The tail parts is what I was referring to as lobes.
If their's only 2 lobes then it could be a pretator. Since you're not finding it on any coral (look very closely!) then I would guess it to be eating bacteria or tiny pods. I wouldn't worry about it unless you see some on your corals. Pay special attention to any Mushrooms you might have.


Luckily these things are in the refuge which is not currently connected to the main tank. I would like to connect it soon but I guess I need to figure this out.
I do plan on getting some corals in a couple of months so I guess I need to start fishing these pests out.
What is the best way to get rid of them? Should I start researching the method used for the dreaded white flat worm?

bang guy

Whelp.. If it were a coral muncher you wouldn't be finding them in your refugium. Since you found them on the surface of the water I would guess that they eat the bacteria found in the scum on the surface of your water. I'll wager that they will not affect your corals at all.
I would still remove the ones you find by skimming or siphoning them out.