BTA Confusing me


LOL...My kids that are grown think there's something wrong with me ..they call me and I am ALWAYS doing something with my fish tanks....
I am not home yet, but my husband told me the anemone is not there??? So I will be home in 1-2 hours and have to look myself...It's been in the same who knows


I have an 11 yr. old she has a tank. I have 2 in college, I email them photos and they groan. Know how you feel.


Moderator's there, only it is deflated at the moment...(he didn't look good) anyway I fed it a silverside this morning before I went to work, so maybe it is doing its thing
Originally Posted by Lmecher
I agree that it is not normal for them to expel waste everyday. Mine have always been well fed and will expel approximately once a week. I have noticed that a couple of mine will shrink considerably late each evening, some will retract to behind the rockwork where they are attached. They stay that way until sun up next day. I would consider this retraction very normal. It is hard to say if Meowzer's shriveling is the same as mine retracting without seeing it. I would say mine shrink to about 1/2 the size regularly at night, when they expel waste they shrink down to nothing, like an empty balloon.
If your anemone is shrinking or deflating it is expelling. It is expelling water, which is what makes up the anemone. It does not have be a solid waste to be considered expelling. That is why I say it is not out of the norm for her anemone to be acting this way. If it shows other signs or continues to stay deflated more and more(especially during lighting hours) then I would think there is something wrong.


Well I did feed it a silverside this morning...My husband "claims" he looked...LOL..we know how men look though don't we....and now it is fine....


LOL...we ciould go to the aquarium and start...If only my husband.......and let people fill in the blanks....LOL


I can't pick on him too much, he means well, just not into this stuff. Sometimes I think we live on different planets. He does put up with a lot like fish tanks all over the house, okay just 2 rooms. We just picked up a dehumidifier, was feeling like a steambath in here. He's at the auto show tonight, wanted me to go.....boring.
Club frag swap Saturday, now that's exciting


Where I live we have nothing like that (the frag swap) I sure wish there was something like that....I think I am the only person with a sw tank in the town...maybe even county...LOL..Remember the Not so lfs is in Texas 90 miles away


Man, hard to believe, I am very lucky to live in a big city. I have several just minutes away. We have a very large local club, with frag swaps a couple times a year. Always have members w/stuff for sale, I have sold loads on the club forum. I was able to buy my new aquarium and lights by selling off anemones and some clavularia frags. I am selling a few Saturday too. I should count my blessings.


Yeah...I come from a big place a little place in SE OK....took some getting use to...wouldn't want to live in a big place again,BUT I do miss the availability of stuff..


i used to live in se oklahoma....i bet that was a HUGE difference...ny to se ok. se ok to nw ok was a change in itself. se ok is beautiful....especially in the fall!


Originally Posted by keish24
i used to live in se oklahoma....i bet that was a HUGE difference...ny to se ok. se ok to nw ok was a change in itself. se ok is beautiful....especially in the fall!
Yes...A HUGE difference...where in s.e. OK did you live?


i lived by wilburton when i was younger. i have been in nw ok for about 20 years now though. we occasionally go to the winding stair mountains to camp.