BTA Question


How often and is it normal for a green bta to deflate quickly and completely, close up and expose it's white stomach?
It seems like it's slowly reinflating now, but parts of it are still deflated, and it can't make a decision to keep its stomach in or out.
eek! my clown looks sad...kind of laying on it like its pitying the poor thing.


I have a rose BTA and it goes from up to 8" in diameter with huge long tentacles to 3 or 4" in diameter with very small tentacles and everything in between, but I have never seen it expose it's "stomach". I have read that if it's mouth is extended that it is a sign that it isn't doing well. I can't say for sure that having it's mouth extended is the same as exposing it's stomach, but it sure sounds the same.
Are you feeding your BTA? I feed mine at least every other day and sometimes every day. Varied diet of either silver side chunk, formula one, or shrimp chunk each day that has been soaked in Selcon for an hour or so. You might give that a try if you haven't already.
Hope I was of some help and good luck.


current tests read
pH is 8.2
Amm, NO3 and NO2 are 0
temp 78
calcium 430
always been these levels
20 gal
good, strong water flow
96W quad 50/50 CF's
I don't have an alk test, but would alk really have that kind effect?
By the way, the bta is great- back to normal and open wide.
This all happened very quickly-I'd say the whole thing lasted a half hour from start to finish.


by the way- the mouth stomach isnt staying extended. It was out for about 5 minutes, then back in for ten, out again, then back in. total of twice.
Now its back in, and the mouth is shut and tight-everything back to norm.
Just got this bta yesterday.