Bta rose anemone


New Member
Just put it in. The guy at the store said to put it somewhere near a rock with a whole. After 10 minutes of searching I found the perfect spot. So I put it near and sure enough it crawled right in. Now it has crawled what I believe is too far down the hole and cannot open up. Should I be worried? Attempting relocation might rip her trunk. Also just in case it doesn't make it, are there signs that I should be looking for so I know lt is dying or dead?
Please help


Just leave it alone....most anemones will find THEIR own spot....trying to put it where you want it will only stress it out


Well-Known Member

Cover all power heads. Anemones go where they want. They have no eyes and follow the water current. In the ocean that is a good thing because the foods floats that way too. However in a fish tank that leads to the power heads where they get chopped up.


Active Member
Entacmaea quadricolor will move to an overhang and plant there. Then during the daylight hours stretch out of the overhang to get some light, food, etc. Then they will retract back and bubble up again during low light periods.


New Member
wow faster than expected replies...thanks everyone...luvin' swf forums heres the update: shes still in the same spot i have posted pics in my profile for everyone to view...i think she is fine and most likely happy with spot...she hasnt moved so she must be happy, right? ...first nem but all signs that i know point to a very healthy bta...thanks everyone...


Looks like a nice one....I bet it is beautiful when it is fully open....Jst be prepared., never know when an anemone may decide to move....they are not too smart...LOL...and will climb on a powerhead leading to death
How old is your tank, and what type of lighting do you have?


New Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383489/bta-rose-anemone#post_3354421
Looks like a nice one....I bet it is beautiful when it is fully open....Jst be prepared., never know when an anemone may decide to move....they are not too smart...LOL...and will climb on a powerhead leading to death
How old is your tank, and what type of lighting do you have?
i have metal halides...i forget the specifics but the lsf said my lights would be more than sufficient for all corals...i will be stopping the lsf soon and ask them if they remember the specifics and /or how to find to obtain this info...i recently moved my 22gal to this new 39gal and it is 2 and 1/2 months old...the 22 was about 6 months...had a 60gal a couple years not a complete rookie...just new to the reef tank aquarium...


New Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383489/bta-rose-anemone#post_3354391

Cover all power heads. Anemones go where they want. They have no eyes and follow the water current. In the ocean that is a good thing because the foods floats that way too. However in a fish tank that leads to the power heads where they get chopped up.
any suggestions as to how i should cover my power heads?


Most will say that 2 1/2 months is too soon for an anemone, and that you should wait at least 6 months. I am not patient either, but stopped adding anything from about months 3-6. Now that I am in Month 7, I am starting to introduce more into my tank. Be patient (I know its hard).


New Member
Update: came anemone moved to the top of my star polyps( grass looking )...did the credit card method to get it off no damage ?...and my maroon clownfish are already trying to host in it... ??...less than 24 hrs after acclimation...going to LFS to let them do water tests... And pick up some rubble rock for my refugium...loving my reef tank...


New Member
not sure if this is a problem but my anemone closes up on the silversides like its going to eat it...but then it opens back up and spits it out?? should i be worried??


New Member i thought i was fine and i still might BTA hasnt fully opened up like i saw it at the eats and everything but looks half inflated...


Active Member
Food must be smaller than the mouth of the critter first off. Don't feed every day. Try for twice a week.