BTLDReef's 155G Update


Here's the thread from when we started the tank in Sept:
we added more rock (FINALLY) and more coral (frags) and more fish (yay!) Still need to add more rock, but LFS still doesn't have any ready for us
So here's our stock list as of now:
2 Ocellaris Clowns - mated pair
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Sailfin Tang - she eats from my hand!
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
2 Yellow Watchman Gobies - mated pair (I think they're going through a trial separation right now, LOL )
1 Yellow Clown Goby (there's supposed to be 6, who knows where they went)
1 Green Spotted Mandarin
3 Female Lyretail Anthias - babies (LOVE THEM!) fairly certain one is changing into a male
1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse
1 Black Combtooth Blenny
Would like: will not be adding any time soon (probably no more fish, if we do add, it will be a year from now at least)
Royal Gramma or Purple Firefish or Fridmani Dottyback or Neon Goby (blue neon)
Pink Birdsnest, Blue Acropora, Red Monti Cap, Pink Trumpets, Duncans, Fox Coral, Branching Frogspawn, Regular Frogspawn, Torch, Pagoda Cup, Purple Flowerpot, Green Flowerpot, Sun Coral, Candy Cane, Branching Hammer, Cat's Eye Bubble, Trachyphyllia (green and purple), Favia (maroon and green)
Blastomussa, Mint Cloves, Daisy Polyps, Cotton Candy/Pink zoos, Red Lobo, Fuzzy Green Mushrooms, Purple Pimple Mushroom, Blue Mushrooms, Purple spotted mushroom, Blue Branching Lobophyllia (rare), A million misc. zoos, Purple Acans, Orange Jubilee Acans, Red Xmas Acans, Rainbow Acans, Tons of misc. Polyps
Definitely will be adding an Elegance very soon (along with tons of other corals)
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
2 Green Bubble Tip Anemones
1 Mini Carpet Anemone
5-10 Astrea snails
5 Trochus snails
7 Cerith snails
5 Nassarius snails
7 Blue Knuckle Hermits (5 little, 2 giants)
2 Scarlett Hermits <-- waste, they always get killed by the blue knuckles
5 Mexican reef hermits
2 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (probably will add one more)
2 Sand Sifting Star fish
tons of brittle starfish that came as hitchhikers
1 Porcelain Anemone Crab
Additional info:
Running an ASM G-3 Protein skimmer with upgraded pump (7000)
2 36" Nova Extreme T5HO set ups w/ upgraded bulbs (Wave Point T5HO bulbs) as well as LED lights (slowly adding more and more)
40G sump, 1 Koralia 4 Power head (will be adding another, probably a 2 or 3) 1 Aquaclear (it's getting replaced, they suck, don't buy them), Mag 7 pump - we are planning on upgrading our sump/pump/overflow set up to a dual overflow with a bigger pump and sump as our xmas gift to each other (awwwww!)
None of our fish fight. It's a very peaceful tank. We had issues with our Coral Beauty until we added a fish larger than her, now she's fine. Our tangs will even eat off the same seaweed clip together.
The Coral Beauty does NOT nip at any of our corals, nor has she.
Although our mandarin eats pods in the rocks, we also spot feed tigger pods weekly. We do not have a refugium attached to the tank.
Our anemones do move around a little (a very little). They have yet to sting any of our corals. Our power heads are NOT covered. (I would prefer they were, my husband will have no part of it)


Originally Posted by meowzer
I love updates and pics

We've been working so hard on this tank. I bet my husband as I was posting the pictures that you'd be the first to comment, LOL
I can't wait to get more rock in the tank. Hopefully it'll be ready next Saturday. It's taking forever at the LFS. They got an entire ton (literally 1 ton of rock) and curing it all is taking a long time. The rock I want is in with cleaner shrimp, he says it's ready, but I'm not convinced yet.


Active Member
Looks great
. Love the branching lobo and the gonioporas.
Suggestions, well, the only LPS off the top of my head you don't seem to have, are plates corals. Wouldn't recommend long tentacles. Also, your column in the left-middle is perfect for some nice big monti cap pieces.

Fish, a Blue Jaw or preferred, Sargassum Trigger, would be perfect


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Looks great
. Love the branching lobo and the gonioporas.
Suggestions, well, the only LPS off the top of my head you don't seem to have, are plates corals. Wouldn't recommend long tentacles. Also, your column in the left-middle is perfect for some nice big monti cap pieces.

Fish, a Blue Jaw or preferred, Sargassum Trigger, would be perfect


You're one the few people that knows that those are branching lobos, LOL. It's one of the first corals we bought and we were told it was a blasto. Gotta love LFS 14yr old help!
My husband hates plate coral :-( We're going to get a rainbow lobo and an elegance and then start working on a lot of SPS.
I don't know if I can risk a trigger in my tank .. I've got very young Anthias right now. And with 160+lbs of rock, I'd have one hell of a time catching him if there were an issue.


I finally get updated pictures on here last night and then my husband gets up and rearranges the coral this morning
He makes me nuts sometimes, LOL


Active Member
Heyyy, some fourteen year olds know stuff. lol *just turned fifteen*
You're tank is soooo pretty, I want better lighting so I can get the pretty stuff you have. T___T


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
Heyyy, some fourteen year olds know stuff. lol *just turned fifteen*
You're tank is soooo pretty, I want better lighting so I can get the pretty stuff you have. T___T
Thanks :)
HAHAHA, yes but most do not. Especially the ones at most of my LFS's!
I only have T5HO lighting, they're Current Nova Extreme's. They weren't too expensive, I'm sure that for a 15 year old they would be though :(
You should really try to find some local reef forums/clubs in your area ... people are always getting rid of their stuff for cheap. Used T5 setups are almost always for sale on those forums because people usually upgrade from them to MH's (as I will someday). I had PC's for awhile and everything in my tank did just as well under them, I just didn't keep any SPS at the time.


More rock and coral = lots of pics:

These will be coming off the plugs in the near future:

Totally worth it to feed these guys every day:


Just some pics I thought came out nice:

This is coming back to life rather well from what the LFS did to it.

The Blonde Naso would be lost without it's buddy:


Almost forgot, NO MORE CRUMMY POWER HEADS!!! All Koralias now. Well, one Aquaclear, 3 Koralias. Next trip to the LFS, we'll be replacing the AC with Koralia 4.
So 2 Koralia 4's and 2 Koralia 2's, the fish are going to have a field day riding the current.
Does anyone keep their power heads on timers? Any benefit to this?