BTLDReef's 155G Update


That's a good looking tank.
That Fox Coral looks awesome. Look forward to some future pictures, so keep up the good work.
By the way, what and how often do you feed your sun coral? I'm looking at get one myself. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Supertank
That's a good looking tank.
That Fox Coral looks awesome. Look forward to some future pictures, so keep up the good work.
By the way, what and how often do you feed your sun coral? I'm looking at get one myself. Thanks.
Thanks so much

We feed the Sun Coral PE Mysis (Piscine Energetics Inc.) every night. It is also in a spot where it gets a chance to grab a lot of passing food when we feed our fish each morning and late afternoon. Because of this, it's trained to basically stay open all the time because it might get food. They're very, very easy to care for and luckily we didn't have fight ours to eat. If you're going to buy one, make them feed it in front of you so you can see how it takes food. Some really have to be enticed to eat, but if the store has had it for awhile, it's probably already trained to open on command.


Thanks for the info on the Sun Coral partner. I appreciate that, and will take heed to your advice when shopping for one.

I see you added some more cool pics. I like. That's awesome how the two clowns both have there seperate anem close by. It's like his and hers walk-in closets.
That's good stuff.
Good luck to you and keep up the great work.


Originally Posted by Supertank
Thanks for the info on the Sun Coral partner. I appreciate that, and will take heed to your advice when shopping for one.

I see you added some more cool pics. I like. That's awesome how the two clowns both have there seperate anem close by. It's like his and hers walk-in closets.
That's good stuff.
Good luck to you and keep up the great work.
LOL .. Yeah, it's very rare that my female allows the male in the same anemone as her (I just looked over to the tank as I'm writing this and they're both in the same one right now, why is it never when I have my camera! n
) From day one we knew it was going to be an issue so we just put two in. It's quite often that she beats him out of both and he's left hosting the rock next to the anemone or it's base. Poor Mr. Clown.


So the lights need to come down and be adjusted, but here's some pics for now. There's a lot of shadowing right now because we have the MH's set up higher so that the corals don't panic. I can definitely notice a difference, hope you guys do to:
see our Christmas tree in the corner? This is how small our apt is.



What happened to the rbta? Didn't see it in the new pics but maybe missed it? Was just curious if your ocellaris ever went into it? I have a gbta and none of my clowns want anything to do with it. I have a big tomato and a ocellaris pair and nobody wants it.


Originally Posted by sean48183
What happened to the rbta? Didn't see it in the new pics but maybe missed it? Was just curious if your ocellaris ever went into it? I have a gbta and none of my clowns want anything to do with it. I have a big tomato and a ocellaris pair and nobody wants it.
It's there, it may have been sucked in since we had just changed lighting and fed the tank.
I actually have two GBTA and one RBTA, the clowns take to all three. I have a porcelain crab in the RBTA to keep the clowns for beating on it so much, my female is quite aggressive with them. The RBTA actually just moved today almost two feet across my tank.
I had a little trouble getting my clowns to take to them in the beginning. They're tank raised so they really didn't know what one was, lol. I tried every method out there to get them interested in the GBTA, nothing worked. Finally I got pissed off at my female for biting us for the millionth time and chased her away from us with a fish net right into the anemone. Once she was in, the male followed right behind. Once they found the anemone, they never left it. Try different methods and stay on them, they'll eventually go into it.


Thanks. I will try the net trick. I would like the ocellaris pair to take to it but i would settle for the tomato. Right now the female ocellaris will huddle over it but now go into it. GRRRR! Oddly enough my big tomato and ocellaris share the same corner of the tank. The tomato chases my tangs relentlessy in the tank and never messes with my other clowns. Go figure.


Originally Posted by sean48183
Thanks. I will try the net trick. I would like the ocellaris pair to take to it but i would settle for the tomato. Right now the female ocellaris will huddle over it but now go into it. GRRRR! Oddly enough my big tomato and ocellaris share the same corner of the tank. The tomato chases my tangs relentlessy in the tank and never messes with my other clowns. Go figure.
If it hovers near it, you'll probably have success forcing it in all the way. Technically if it hovers right above it or close by, it's hosting, although I know you're looking for it to be in it.
Congrats to you on keeping a Tomato with an Ocellaris. I wish I could.


Added more SPS, LR and 3 more PJ Cardinalfish (we shouldn't have and said we wouldn't, but we did). Our wrasse finally jumped, fell through the Christmas tree and then the MH ballasts fried him. The house smelt wonderful!
We also upgraded to an EcoTech Vortech MP40w!
Money well spent!
For the record, since I've had people on another forum complaining about this, I am fully aware that one day my Naso will outgrow my tank if he reaches full size. I know I have a huge bio load, that's why I have a good skimmer, large sump and do weekly water changes. We can't all be perfect. This tank needs to be torn down in about 18-24 months when we move, we're waiting for renovations (slow!) to be done on the house next door that we're moving into. At that time, whatever fish are too big will be sold/traded/gifted. For right now, it's a peaceful tank, everyone eats and gets along and we're enjoying all the fish while we can.
Pics coming this weekend!


Be careful with that vortech, they have been having a lot of problems lately. A club member's Mp40's wetside fell into his DSB and killed his tank. Awesome powerhead but risky.


Originally Posted by Kraylen
Be careful with that vortech, they have been having a lot of problems lately. A club member's Mp40's wetside fell into his DSB and killed his tank. Awesome powerhead but risky.
I've been hearing good and bad about this thing. So far, so good, but I'm getting a little concerned, especially with how much money we spent on it. I really didn't want the thing, but my husband insisted.
I thought people were having issues with the generation one model though? Do you know which one this person was using? On the other forums I'm on, it seems to only be an issue if you have the first generation model (which everyone is now buying because it's cheaper).


It was a newer Mp40 purchased about a week ago in the Bay Area, it's on a club forum or I would PM you a link.
The Mp20's have had some problems as well, a LOT of problems actually.
It's funny because the whole time before the Mp10/20 came out I was saving up my money and all this and trying to justify a $400 powerhead and I kept seeing the new Koralia Controlled WM pumps and I kept dissing them because you had to buy all these pumps and a controller etc etc...
Now I'm thinking the K machine is the way to go after all the wetsides I've had to order for customers.
Let me know how it goes, I can only assume most people having their pumps disconnect and what not are messing with them.