BTLDReef's 155G Update


Well-Known Member
Sweet a** tank, lights, powerheads...shoot everything! I have question that the 6x6 frag rack. I was gonna get one (esshops) but i dont think itll fit in my lil 10 lol! LOL all that stuff and i wanna know about ur frag rack....


Active Member
look up the ocean wonders frag rack. much better and more versatile than the eshopps rack. i have both


Thanks guys!
The builder of the light is on this site, his username is Camanuch. Great guy!
I have two racks in that tank right now, since we only have this tank, the 14 and a 20 running until we move, so no frag tank. The one is the Eshoppes corner rack and the other is a rectangular one, I think it's 12" by 5" or something like that. THEY SUCK! Eshoppes racks have small holes in them, ORA plugs don't fit and it's a real PITA. The magnets are fairly week as well. Of course, in a 10G, this won't be an issue, but my 155 has thick glass and we have to use a darn MagnaFloat to hold up with rectangular rack.


Well-Known Member
I give LEDs a thumb up as well....i wanna see how they do on my coral though. LFS said they are still experimental but all the test theyve done had been successful!
edit: the not so local LFS LOL


Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/220#post_3384536
I give LEDs a thumb up as well....i wanna see how they do on my coral though. LFS said they are still experimental but all the test theyve done had been successful!
edit: the not so local LFS LOL
IMO, they're past the experimental phase, especially if you're using CREE bulbs. I'm a believer of the "They're still too new" story that LFS's are giving is because they can't afford to stock them. My one LFS was very upfront with me and said, "I would have *local dealer of LEDs* in here, but it costs to much for me to keep them in stock. Most of us in the hobby would have LED's in a heart beat, the problem is the cost, so we use the too new excuse."


Well-Known Member
ya ur prob right there....they only have the par38 bulbs, no actual LED fixtures. Thats ok though i like the idea of my $ going to another hobbyist anyways. Do u know anything about plamsa BTL? I cant remember who but i think it was gemmy that posted a video and was saying that it was the wave of the future! Mhs are cheap im guessing because of how old they are huh?


There are tons of LED fixtures. The biggest issue is there are just as many BAD LED fixtures as their are good, if not more and the bad ones are usually more advertised/readily available to new hobbyist, or hobbyists that just don't do their homework.
I still think that the DIY fixtures are some of the nicer ones, especially when they're built really clean. Camanuch has some NICE stuff and by far builds the best DIY setup I've seen.
Acan Lighting makes the best available on the market that I've seen, but they're sooooooooooo expensive.
Too many people are buying these Marineland POS's and giving LED's a bad name. They''re great for refugiums or small little tanks. I have one over my 14G, but I also have no intention of putting SPS in that tank either.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, leds are past experimental. We know they can support a reef and even sps at this point. But it's still a matter of knowing what to buy or what to build. You're best bet is to get a fixture that uses cree's and are dimmable imo. Also, the ability to swap optics is a huge pluss. Aqua Illuminations and Pacific Sun are probably two of the best fixtures out there.


Well-Known Member
o man dimmable...jeeeaaalllous...
ya i got the one from the supplier we both use....if u remember lol