BTLDReef's 155G Update


Well-Known Member

Holy Crap on a Cracker.

Those colors are fantastic!
Have you thought about optics yet, or did you leave them like this?


Well, we moved and upgraded to a 180 and sold this tank. So far we haven't seen the need for optics.
We are going to be building a DIY LED fixture for the seahorse tank with the same bulbs and will probably put optics on that fixture to see the difference.
I love the LEDs. We just need to add some reds and purples to get a little more pop from our blue fish/corals.


Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/240#post_3406553
How did your copperband do with the coals? Did you have a clam in there also by any chance?
The Copperband has never nipped a coral. I didn't even have to train him onto frozen, it was WONDERFUL. When I quarantined him, he just accepted frozen. I then tried all different corals with him and he never went for anything. The only time he's a PITA is when I'm feeding my acans, he likes to rip the Mysis shrimps out of their mouths. To help, I trained him to eat from my hand, so while my husband is feeding the corals, I keep him occupied with hand feedings.
I do have a clam with all my fish as well, everyone, including my Coral Beauty (I had a flame as well, but got rid of him when we upgraded) never touch it.
I think it helps that I'm a heavy feeder. It keeps my fish more interested and away from my corals. I have a few fish in my tank that could be problematic: Filefish, Copperband, Coral Beauty.
Funny, I've never had an issue with the "risky" fish, only ones you'd never expect it from. I had a clown that LOVED to eat my LPS and a Sailfin tang that destroyed a clam AND a duncan colony on me.
Here's my 180 tank thread: