BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build


Floor is tiled, we're in the middle of moving in, and the tank gets filled tomorrow.

Here's what we've got so far:
How the room started:

Hubby doing the plumbing, and a view of the new tile and the fresh pain:

The almost finished plumbing:

Some alcohol to help the fish room on it's way (man this picture makes the room look small!) This is the view from the front door, so when you walk in, the first thing you see is the 180 Reef:


Active Member
Looks Good!! Is this a new tank or the one from the apt? I love the fact when you walk in the front door you will see the big reef. That is super cool. Hope moving is going well. Can't wait to see this completed.


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build#post_3387801
Looks Good!! Is this a new tank or the one from the apt? I love the fact when you walk in the front door you will see the big reef. That is super cool. Hope moving is going well. Can't wait to see this completed.
This is a new tank. My apt has a 155. That will become a FOWLR in the new house, and will be on the wall to the right just as you walk in the door. The plan is to have a tank in every room except the kitchen and bathroom. The "fish room" will house the 180, a 30, a 14 (for now) and eventually something along the size of a 75.
Originally Posted by cryptics http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build#post_3387805
Very nice! I can't wait to see it full.
Thanks! Me too! I'm dreading doing the rock work! We're going to make a mess of my new tiles!
Originally Posted by meowzer
You're telling me! Only about a year past when it should have been done!!!!


Well-Known Member
House looks great on the inside, nice job on the tile, congrats on finally getting in there. Oh, hubby was just working on the plumbing...for a minute there I thought that's just where you kept him when he wasn't doing housework.


Sand and some rock is going in tonight. We're going to do this upgrade fast, the same way we went from our 40G to the 155 because we're going to be using the same sump at first. So it's really just an upgrade in water volume. Of course, we'll be keeping extra water on hand in case anything spikes.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build#post_3387886
House looks great on the inside, nice job on the tile, congrats on finally getting in there. Oh, hubby was just working on the plumbing...for a minute there I thought that's just where you kept him when he wasn't doing housework.
LOL ... he is my slave!
He forgot to take a picture of me stuck inside the tank while I was wiping it out the other day. I climbed using a ladder and he took the damn ladder away once I was in there and left me there! JERK!
Anyone have any ideas for a return pump for this tank? See this thread:


I got a 55g you can have if you want to increase the sump size some. The top brace cracked but didn't break off so should be easy to repair. It's yours if you want it.


Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build#post_3387908
Is this the tiled floor that caused so much problems with the contractor?
We ended up doing it ourselves. We found a nice looking thick stick down vinyl tile that had beveled edges that were meant for grouting. This way, if a tile breaks, it's easier to replace, and the grout helps with water proofing. The entire room has a silicone bead around the bottom of the floor, so hopefully if anything leaks, it won't make it onto my wood floors.


Stocking (of course, subject to change - but here's where we're at)
* = already owned
*Blonde Naso Tang
*Purple Tang
*Yellow Belly Blue Hippo (probably will go in a different tank ultimately)
*Black Combtooth Blenny
*Tail Spot Blenny
*Cleaner Wrasse (I've owned this fish for years, don't start the "they all die in the home" aquarium argument please)
*Copperband Butterfly
*Aiptasia eating Filefish - male Might pair with a female I have in a different tank
*McCosker's Wrasse - male
*Coral Beauty Angelfish
Green Banded Goby (maybe a pair)
McCosker's Wrasse female
Pair of Blue Star Leopard Wrasses
Labout's Fairy Wrasse
Trio of Resplendent or Red Saddled Anthias
Borbonious Anthias (a pair if I can find two - husband is obsessed with having these guys)
Yellow Candy Hogfish
*Mystery Wrasse (might go in a different tank)


Active Member
Nice stock list!!
I love the Borbonius Anthias. They are gorgous. I think that Longislandmike guy had a pair of those in his reef tank. I don't think he is on here any more but I remember someone had those fish.
Best of luck getting it all stocked up!!
PS. I just checked out the Longislandmike post from before and yup he has the two. I have a new favorite fish!!!!