bubble issue...

come out the pump from the rear chamber it seems just has like a small squirt of tiny bubbles. but its full of water an nothing is sticking out of the water


does it have seals??? Check to see that all seals are properly...sealed...
Is the pump an add on or does it come with your tank?
comes with tank, even if theres a leak in the line thats about 1 foot its still underwater where there should b no air bubbles.. they just come outta nowhere


Nothing comes from nowhere...I really know nothing about bio-cubes...or anything else for that matter...LOL...Maybe someone with that type of tank will answer...try posting a new thread with a title like...Biocube 29 problem...

Sorry I can't help you further


overfill the filter a small amount at a time I know there is a full line but the pump is sucking air. I eventuly bought a smaller return pump which i know reduced the efficency of my filter but was the only way to get rid of the bubbles


Try taking the water line off at the top and reattaching it, giving it a small twist if you can to make sure it seats well. A very small leak anywhere above the water line could cause your problems.
I read that someone also gave the filter sponge a good squeeze to remove bubbles. Air was trapped in the filter and was slowly releasing into the water.
I personally noticed bubbles for about the first month or so and they seemed to diminish slowly over time. I still get a few and have no clue how they are forming. I have to look very close to even spot them, so I just don't worry about it.
but none of my tubing is sticking out the water, everything is under water i filled my biocube to the top to reduce noise from the water dripping out ovr the 2nd chamber