Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiberius
I would think the reason the seahorse likes the bubbles is the extra buoyancy. They probably like the way the bubbles feel all over them. It is their jacuzzi! I have had a bubble wand in my 110 for many years. I always liked how it came up between a bunch of rocks. I have had fish depart from me but it wasn't from the bubbles.
You know, I never could get that seahorse to talk! So no telling what her real purpose was.
I do know that she did not treat the PH flows the same.
As I said, the bar served a purpose for me. In a 55 gallon (long and narrow), you have the front 5 inches of sand (maybe) and you have rock on the rest. Dead spots are a very real and irritating issue. To get the movement needed to ensure these spots got some flow, this did the trick. Sweeping the substrate without blowing the fish out of the water.
I have read mixed (outside of this board) ideas on aerating with bubbles, or just having them because they are pleasing to the eye. There is always enough info out there to form an opinion.
I'm only sharing experience.
I would think the reason the seahorse likes the bubbles is the extra buoyancy. They probably like the way the bubbles feel all over them. It is their jacuzzi! I have had a bubble wand in my 110 for many years. I always liked how it came up between a bunch of rocks. I have had fish depart from me but it wasn't from the bubbles.
You know, I never could get that seahorse to talk! So no telling what her real purpose was.
I do know that she did not treat the PH flows the same.
As I said, the bar served a purpose for me. In a 55 gallon (long and narrow), you have the front 5 inches of sand (maybe) and you have rock on the rest. Dead spots are a very real and irritating issue. To get the movement needed to ensure these spots got some flow, this did the trick. Sweeping the substrate without blowing the fish out of the water.
I have read mixed (outside of this board) ideas on aerating with bubbles, or just having them because they are pleasing to the eye. There is always enough info out there to form an opinion.
I'm only sharing experience.