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So I went to a LFS and bought a Ca test kit.... according to this testing, my Calcium is around 350ppm.
The literature coming with it says to keep the Ca ~400 or more for optimal growth. How do you all feel about this? I cannot find anymore tests at this LFS other than silica, strontnium, and phosphate (which i may end up buying relatively soon). This LFS is a little pet shop which is phasing out the saltwater fish section and has limited materials. there is another LFS which i plan to check for the other tests at.
I already tested the nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia each yielding a zero.
I did the pH at the same time and that was when i got the 7.8.
Well I would start by first try to keep calcium at 430ppm.
To do this you need to keep your Alk up also, say 8-10 dkH
After some time you may need to do a water change to get magnesium to come back up.
Do this however you feel comfortable…