Bug of the Week - Peppermint Shrimp


Will a mandarin eat shrimp fry? My peppermint just dumped its clutch last night and all the fish went crazy. I saw my mandain peck at some, but he seemed to spit them out rather than eat them. Was this just a bad grab pn his part or will they not eat them? I of course do not depend on this for his main diet, but it would be nice if I knew he could snack on these a few times a month.


Just more input...I have both the "cleaner" shrimp and the "peppermint" shrimp. In my FO tank I have the cleaner shrimp, always respectful of the other inhabitants. In my 20 gal coral tank I have 2 "peppermint shrimp which ate my apstsia? They don't bother my coral at all. As a matter of fact i "feed" them pellets to keep my nasty blue leg hermites from eating everything else in my tank. The shrimp are opportunist feeders. So far they are cool, no nasty chews on my corals