Bug of the Week - What's Next?


Active Member
These little crustaceans, usually of the genus Gammarus, are harmless algal grazers that are the primary food for many animals including mandarins and six line wrasses. Amphipods reproduce easily, living in patches of hair algae where they brood their young. They are a important part of the micro life in reef tanks and large populations can have a dramatic effect on the growth of film and hair
Edited by SPSfreak100 on April 2, 2003 at 6:24PM

bang guy

Graham - Outstanding suggestion. I believe Amphipods are an excellent topic!
However, if the picture isn't yours then out of politeness you should credit the source. Since crediting the source would violate one of the board rules I am going to have to ask you to remove the picture.
If you have any of your own pictures or have obtained permission from the copyright holder to post a picture then by all means, we would love to see it.


Active Member
I don't know if they're really considered a "bug" but you might want to do Medusa Worms. They are really interesting, and I saw a really cool one while I was in Orlando at Sea World's Tropical Reef Exhibit.

bang guy

Thank you all for the ideas. I'll be doing some research and it will be a surprise what's next.