Bumper sticker sayings



If you get any closer, I will flick a booger onto your windshield.


Active Member
On the back of a van a girl I knew had
"Don't laugh, you son may be in here"
On the back of a jacked up 4 x 4
"Can't stop, just smile as you go under"
On the back of a VW bus, and I couldn't believe it
A picture of Bush with the caption "Take that Hippie, 4 more years"
Now that was funny.


some of my favorites..
- " shut up hippy "
- bad cop
no donut
- yes this is my truck, no, i wont help you move.

salty tank

Originally Posted by matty0h_52
If you can read this- then the

fell off.
Some huge 300lb guy was wareing it on a Harley

My dad has a shirt that says that. He rides a harley but hes not fat


I saw this one in a store once. I thought it would be funny to slap on the back of a school bus.
"I swerve for children"


It was not a bumper sticker, but rather written into the dirt on the vehicle.
"If only my wife were this dirty"


Active Member
Just saw this on a sweatshirt in one of those catalogs that all of us get at this time of year.
What happens at Grandma's house STAYS at Grandma's house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i agree... :notsure:

Eschew Obfuscation = avoid being confused
"honk if your horn doesnt work" thought it was dumb but couldnt help but laugh
today I saw a big dogde truck with a bunch of jesus/religious stickers on the passenger side, and on the driver side a bunch of nascar stickers and a calvin leaking on a chevy symbol...


Active Member
save the earth, plant a Bush back in Texas (at election time)
my mom's an honor roll student at the middle school


Active Member
Just saw these today
"The democrats are so full of ----
they need 2 Johns"
"The W stands for what am I doing here?"