BurnNSpy...common and considerate concerns for ALL devoted reefkeeepers...


Staff member
Frankly, I think enough is enough, is enough already. Everybody got whatever they had to say off their chest, whether it was worthy of saying or not.
Oh, and BTW, if you think you have it rough here with “cranky” Sharks, move on over to the other BB’s....They will be happy to eat you alive and spit you out. Flaming is not acceptable here, and it will certainly never be the “rule”. This is the only online BB where newbies actually do have a “safe” haven, and I really have a problem with anyone purporting otherwise.
I spend about 20 hrs a week on this BB [basically a part-time job] just so I can help people out and make this the best place for new as well as experienced hobbyists to learn and share experiences. And I know that most of the other moderators are spending just as much time. If Burn was short or “rude” it is because he loves this hobby and the creatures. I am sure, that if we were talking about a hobby where no LIFE was involved that us mods would be a lot less “cranky”.
Sorry to rain on the Lets Bash Burn parade, folks, but as I said, enough said already. Newbies welcome any time, and experienced hobbyist, we all hope to learn from you as well as share our own knowledge.
Hey, Keitho, I consider this repetitive statement in your posts
, “don't be reluctant to email me...i know more than my SWF "rank" tells. I’m one of the very few people that actually researched this hobby for more than a YEAR before i started (email for more details). anyway, no one is perfect and I not only will answer any questions to the best of my ability, but I will forward questions that I do NOT know the answers to... :)
to be a dubious ploy to draw SWF.com members away from this BB. I suggest you delete it and refrain from advertising yourself to others on this BB, elsewise, you might find a “cranky” Admin5 not at all willing to mince words with you.


This is getting crazy. First off, everyone spends money on this hobby and many people do not read before they purchase things which IS a shame. However, not everyone does this. This thread is not just about bashing BurnNSpy. The thread is about making a place where people can come without being ridiculed by anyone. Fact of the matter is that it does happen. But i am sorry the last comment posted was a little much. Sitting here saying the following:
"Frankly, I think enough is enough, is enough already. "
"Sorry to rain on the Lets Bash Burn parade, folks, but as I said, enough said already. "
But then quickly turns and accuses another member of saying that people can contact him directly is a way to lure people from the swf.com website. Being someone who is still somewhat new to the hobby I was happy there was a place online. But believe it or not there ARE other boards out there that people can go to and I enjoy this board because it is helpful and I enjoy sharing my experiences. But I think this is getting childish and attacking the person who was just trying to help by making their feelings known and who I think did it very politely, is just wrong. Burn can speak for himself and he has.
Besides last I checked no one here was an expert, some may work in the field, but as I have learned there are many different ways and your just may not be right.


Staff member
Yes, indeed. And this is exactly why I find this sort of thing distasteful. It is a lot of "fun"....for everyone except the person that is the subject of all this fun.
Would anyone here who is complaining be having so much fun if you were the target of the public "fun"??? How many times and from how many people does the same thing need to be said publically before the point is made??
I think if there was ever a point to be made in this thread, it has long since been lost with this gang-up on a single person.


Active Member
Could someone please LOCK this friggin thread. I am sick of it as are probably most of us. I'm not amused.....just weary that ppl have to be this way.......