Busted Jbj 24 Dx Pic


shark bait


Here it is. I got the phone call from the wife when she got home from work that it happened.
24g nano $250
Pair mated clowns $80
Flame Angel $35
blue spot jaw fish $90
Longnose Hawk $35
Orange spoted Goby: $20
Fire Shrimp $30
Rose tip anonome $75 ( so cool)
4 hammers $80
pink leather $30
cool crad $10
red feather duster $25
TOTAL LOSS $760..................
Saved 1 hermit crab and the lawnmore blemmy.
If you have any advice what to do who to talk to what the company will do, and what people who have this should do to make sure this never happens to them please reply.
I am sad beyond words. I even got my in line chiller for it inthe mail today!! So sad....


I hate to see that happen to anyone, and it can happen to anyones tank. I shudder to think of that happening to my 90 gallon, however if my 90 did break hopefully I would have someone in the house that would think to catch the fish and place them in the 55 gallon refugium, alone with the corals and rock. Might not be a bad idea to sit the family down and tell them if this ever happens here is what you do. Even if it is to take a cooler and save what water and fish you can. Most folks should have a QT tank and that is also an option, if you can get there in time to save livestock.
Very sorry for the loss.

shark bait

Thanks, my wife is a teacher and well we are gone all day. I have a 150 in the office with a 20 qt tank. But this was a day I did not come home for lunch, and my wife is,... well pissed we just spent a few grand to redo the carpet. Being in the firm I work for and the amount of cracks and breaks in this tank I may file suit to replace my loss. With fish and my carpet, and services it will be quite large for a $250 tank. My carpet alone is $ 4.75 a sq ft. and 300-400 of that is a total loss. It is sad but the info I have taken in tonight from many people and other pages, is well not good for JBJ. My firm is the third largest in the nation and I happen to be senior owner. I spend my time as I wish, and on issues I feel need my attention. THIS IS ONE OF THEM.

shark bait

Originally Posted by redbora
so sry for ur lose, don't give up, go with glass??
WHY GLASS? I do have all glass tanks but in the small nano tanks molded glass is not showing to fair to well. ??


Active Member
Sorry for your loss......But it is now a well known fact JBJ NANO' cubes are notorious for up and cracking, be it one week or one month or a year down the road. There is presently a class action suit against JBJ on the cracking issues. First JBJ's response to all the cracked tanks was it was the shipper fault.........however after pointing out it wa not the shippers fault, it was a design fault, they then tried to cover it all up by refusing warranty on any tank that has ever had a mod done to it........as they were then saying it was due to excessive water pressure inside from extra pumps, or heat build up from extra lights etc........But the cracked tanks continued to grow. I have had two, that cracked in short order. One only had freshwater in it at the time and was only setup for 5 days.......they replaced it, and being a bit leary, I leak tested the new one, setup LR/LS to cycle, and 2 months later it too developed a crack...........propagating in the same exact area other crack started........They most always start in and around the rounded front corners...........If you look at recomoended specs for glass thickness you will find the NANO cubes are way too thin and then looking even closer you can see minute scratches on the glass, from the manufacturing process, which is akin to scoring glas with a glass cutter, but not yet flexing it to initiate the crack.......NANO cubes are way over priced, and poorly made when you get right down to it. An individual with 35+ years as an engineer with a major glass copmpany pointed out in the NANO-cube forum on another website that its design was wrong and the glass is distorted, scratched and improperly stress relieved after forming, and yet JBJ blew his opinion off as theory......with no substantial merit behind his observations.......There are literally hundred of posts regardoing cracked NANO cubes on that other forum.........as well as info on the class action law suit initiated.......The local shops around here had sold lots of them, and they did have quite a few returns from crack issues, and none of them carry the cube any more.....One shop in particular sold them as well as ther JBJ line of lights etc, which he sold a lot of, but after issues with the cubes, and his not ordering any more cubes, JBJ pulled his dealership and will no longer sell him just lighting components........A Nano cube by JBJ is a risk.......While the 24 gal are the most prevalent in cracking, there are now quite a few 12 gal sizes cracked, and even 6 gal are now showing up.........i would contact JBJ, and see what they will do about it..........if they replace it, and they have been good at replacing the cracked tanks, get the replacement tank, and put it up for sale on ----...... Its pretty bad when you can get a $10.00 perfecto glass tank, and drag it around, knock it around, drop live rock in it, bump into it, and it still keeps on ticking like a Timex watch...............but buy a brand new NANO cube, handle it with kid gloves, and watch it crack in front of your eyes with no additional help from the owner.....Lots of luck......I suppose you did find that other forum regarding the nano cube's? If not email me and I will send you the forum URL.


Active Member

Man, I am horrified. I just bought one of these not even a week ago. It is sitting in my living room now full of water. It has been full for a week. What precautions can I take to prevent this from happening to my tank? I live on the 4th floor in an apartment building and 24 gallons on the floor would not be a good thing for the folks below me.


I read that they are aware of this happening, and they will be changing the production of 24g nanocubes in November. Until then...


ya know, really the only problem i've had with my lfs is one of the guys trying to tell me that nano cubes are really good tanks. "we've never had anyone have a problem with cracking on a nano cube." i myself have an eclipse tank....


how well do the 12gs hold up? I've had one up and running since January of this year. No signs of cracking. this thread has me a bit worried though. I have a 20g regular glass tank setup with just snails and hermits in it. Should I just make the switch or leave it and hope it's ok? Sorry to hijack your thread but it's gotten me a bit worried.


Active Member
If just this short thread on cracked NANO's has you concerned, you need to jump on over to the nano cube fourm and read some really scary stories about some of the experiences others have had, not only with the cracks but with dealing with JBJ as well.

shark bait

JBJ was very nice, but will not replace any thing but the tank. They are standing to the fact that the tank is not defective and that if i did not level it it would crack, or if it was knocked around in shipping it could crack. They are not taking any blame. BUT I DO GET THE NEW 2006!!. big deal Im gona e-bay it. I am just mad at the time and other mods i made to it, berlin skimmer, rio pump filters ect... all a loss.

shark bait

Originally Posted by Bonebrake

Man, I am horrified. I just bought one of these not even a week ago. It is sitting in my living room now full of water. It has been full for a week. What precautions can I take to prevent this from happening to my tank? I live on the 4th floor in an apartment building and 24 gallons on the floor would not be a good thing for the folks below me.

dude i dont know what to say but make sure it is level, or even prop the front up 1 cm to force the weight off the front of the tank.


Originally Posted by shark bait
WHY GLASS? I do have all glass tanks but in the small nano tanks molded glass is not showing to fair to well. ??

wasn't being serious, just tryin' to lighten up the mood, there really is no better, just personal perference in the end, imo


Wow that sucks. I would just pop the glass back in and silicone it, good as new.
If you really like the nano style go with the aquapod. It suppose to be better, but who really knows becasue it hasn't been released yet.
Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shark bait
JBJ was very nice, but will not replace any thing but the tank. They are standing to the fact that the tank is not defective and that if i did not level it it would crack, or if it was knocked around in shipping it could crack. They are not taking any blame. BUT I DO GET THE NEW 2006!!. big deal Im gona e-bay it. I am just mad at the time and other mods i made to it, berlin skimmer, rio pump filters ect... all a loss.
Typical response from JBJ......The fault always lays with some other company (shipping, local LFS etc) or how the user set it up.......Take a really close look at a nano cube......it has fine minute scratches where its been formed round at the corners, and a lot of the tanks also have air bubble inclusions, and if you were to look at the rounded corners on their top edges you can see where the thickness of the glass has been reduced in the forming process........The minute scratches and deformation of the thickness as well as air bubble inclusions were pointed out by the engineer that this weakens glass. Scratches are like the start of the glass cutting process........You drag a carbide tipped wheel across the surface, and then a little pressure propagates the break..........so the numerous small scratches are just the first step, so the question is when are they going to propagate into a crack....Setup or shipping does not have a thing to do with the amount of cubes cracking.........it has to do with the manufactuering process and quality control of items being sent out for use........Just look at how many el cheapo glass tanks are out there that are setting on irregular surfaces and have not cracked......and are built of a lot thinner glass than the nano is. The glass that is actually used is too thin according to a lot of experts in the aquarium business to be formed into a corner radius and expect to be crack free............Last I heard there wa close to 11 or 12 excuses that JBJ uses to defend their defective cubes...ranging from excessive heat build up, too much live rock, too deep a sand bed, uneven surface, too powerful of a powerhead, too much surface current putting stress on glass, temperature changes are too drastic outside the tank to the inside contents, shipping, handling by lfs etc etc.......They even attempted to say it was originally from packing methods, and they then decided to fill the tank with styrofoam peanuts.....duh!, what in the world are styrofoam peanuts packed inside the tank going to do to keep it from cracking.........They put the blame on everyone but their self on what they consider is a quality product...........when in all reality its an accident waiting to happen...........Fine if it cracks when being wet test, but after ts beeen setup for a couple of weeks or months later and come home to a soaking wet floor, damages, and all your inhabitants dead is not acceptable. Just seems folks with acrylic tanks or el cheapo perfecto tanks all packed to the limits with critters have more of a peace of mind with security than nano cube users do. A lot of folks have placed their nano's in rubber maid tubs, wrapped the outside with duct tape, installed those wet alarms etc all due to the fact these tanks are going to crack eventually, but when is the question no one can answer..
Another individual that had a cracked nano had a hardness test run on the broken pieces of glass, and he found out that after the glass was heated to form it, it was never equalized, so one side was still under compression and the other side of the corner was under tension from the forming process.....so the corners are under a lot of unequal stresses and coupled with the scratches........its an accident waiting to happen. Scratches on a flat panel tank are bad, but the panels are not under compression and tension in an area that is thinned, so therefore they are much more forgiving overall and not prone to unexpected cracks.......


Active Member
Also, how unlevel was your tank? And did you have it hanging over the front of the stand as in the picture?