Ca/alk additives?


Active Member
I am using the b-ionic and am using alot more of the part a than b. Is there a better system or two different additives that would be better? I am fixing to order and was maybe wanting something that was more equal or that I could use seperatly.

bang guy

What are your tank parameters? If your ALK is declining faster than Calcium you might have other problems.


I also use B-Ionic. I have to add more than the reccomended amounts to keep my levels up. I was told it was because I top off my tank with so much fresh water daily, and all the coraline algea in my tank.
I too would like to know if there are any better buffer solutions available.


Active Member
Bang, my calcium levels are staying close, but my alk is fluctuating day by day between 6-8 and I have added tons lately and can't get it much higher than that. Calcium is at 430 now. I am dripping kalk 24/7 and everything is seeming good. Could the flucuations be because the addition of some new sps frags? Should I stick with the b-ionic or is there some others that might work better? Explain all this to me.


Active Member
Bang I was just reading in kips kalk dripping 101 that all levels should be where you want them before dripping kalk. Could that be my prob? I just tested my Ca and it was at 410.

bang guy

Ca at 410 and Dkh at 6 - 8 is OK. ALK probably fluctuates with the amount of CO2 in the water.
B-Ionic is a great product IMO and you seem to be using it properly. A little baking soda instead of adding more part A will save you some $$. Don't overdo it though.
What is the saturation level of the limewater you're dosing? ie how many tsp of kalk per gallon of water?
Do you have any problems with excess nutrients? If not Vinegar might be an option for you.


Active Member
So the levels are decent enough for the corals then, so I shouldn't worry to much?
Would I use the amount of baking soda as much as the part A or will I need to add it slowly and see how much I can use?
On the saturation of the kalk, it is hard to say. I put about 3 heeping tsps in every 4-6 days, but my evaporation is like 2 gallons a day or so. Should I be adding more? I hate to half to use much more (will if I have to), because I am useing a homemade reactor and I have read your post where you shouldn't use strait pickeling lime in a reactor because of organics in it.
I am just getting over an algae breakout after adding the halides a few months ago. So I am going to wait a little while on the vinegar I think, do you?

bang guy

You are right at NSW levels so that will be fine for Corals. The fact that you're dripping limewater 24/7 means that you don't require high levels of ALK & Ca because your levels are more stable.
I think you could bump up your dosage of kalk/gallon and back off a little on the b-ionic.
For baking soda, treat it like any other additive. Start small, test and then go bigger if needed. When I use baking soda I add a little washing soda and mix well in a cup of fresh water. I don't know if you need to do that or if it's even a good idea but it works for me.
Skip the vinegar.


Active Member
Ok bang thanks for the info. I will go with your recipe and see how everything goes. I am gonna keep this thread incase I need to ask you some more ?'s. Thanks again, Kyle