calcium and alk problems


Ive been having problems with maintaining my alk. My calcium has been 450-500 and my alk is hovering around 7.1 to 7.7 dkh. I dose 2 TSP of kent super buffer and 2 TSP of Reef Advantage calcium by Seachem everyday. I just recently switched over to powder from C-Balance. The C-Balance was working well but I was going through way to much of the liquid. If I stop adding calcium and just stick to adding buffer will this help even out my numbers? Am I on the verge of a snowy day?


Active Member
I don't know why you would want to dose Ca if you are already that high, unless you have a LOT of SPS that is soaking up the Ca. As far as dosing every day... yeesh! :D I'd cut back some.


wax32 my calcium was hanging around 375 to 400 with the C-Balance . When I switched to the powder I just picked 2 TSP to start with and havent seen a jump in the numbers, so I continued with 2 TSP until I hit my target number of 430-450. Next thing I know I overshot my target number and then I ran into alkalinity problem. I was only dosing calcium because my numbers were 375-400 and I was shooting for 430-450. My problem is my alk is 7.1 - 7.7 and my target number is 10.5. Iam afraid with my calciumk being high and my alk being low the calcium would precipatate out and cause a snowy condition.


Thanks mojoreef. If I stop adding calcium and continue to add buffer will this help stop the calcium from falling out of solution?


On friday and saturday my alk was 9.1-9.9dkh and calcium was 450. I continued to add my 2 TSP of buffer to get to 10.5 dkh and now today my alk is 7.7 and calcium 390. Can anyone tell me whats goiing on? My water is crystal clear and no signs of the calcium falling out of solution. Thanks for any help!

bang guy

My guess is that your Magnesium is low and then you overdosed ALK. When raising alkalinity it needs to be done gradually.


I have another small problem. I have changed my brand of salt from IO to Oceanic. If the Oceanic salt is high in calcium will this present me with another problem? I plan on doing a water change tommorrow.


Have the LFS check your mag on the Oceanic, So far I've had the best luck with Oceanic. My magnesium has been running 1400 with the oceanic and it has kept my calcium and alk much more in check. Mostly I only have to dose occational alk.
Do the water change and then check your levels of alk and cal, or better, check the water change water before you do the water change so you know what your Oceanic is mixing at. Post the results with salinity level as well.