Calcium and Magnesium High


What should I do. This has been going on for about a month and I'm wondering what I need to do if anything. My normal procedure is every 10 days, do a 10% water change, I then add TLC and a small doze of Liquid Reef. The next day I do my testing. That last few times I've done this, My parameters have been:
Sal 1.025
Amm 0
Trites 0
Nitrates 2.5
Phos .25
CA 500+
MAG 1500+
Alk 7 drops / 8.75
I'm very worried about the calcium and magnesium being so high. Everything seems to be doing fine in the tank, fish happy, corals seem happy and growing. I'm just wondering should I do another water change or do I need an additive to get those parameters lower.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/389934/calcium-and-magnesium-high#post_3449593
What is TLC? ANd what is in Liquid Reef?
This is what's in Liquid Reef "Brightwell Aquatics - LIQUID REEF Complete source of the elements and molecules that are directly used by corals, clams, and other reef-building invertebrates and organisms to create skeletal material and grow. Provides calcium (140,000 ppm), strontium, magnesium, and potassium in approximately the same ratios*in which they occur in aragonite. Very strong source of carbonates (derived from aragonite), the other important group of ions involved in aragonite formation. Increases alkalinity to help stabilize pH. Stronger than competing products. May be used as an inexpensive alternative to automated calcium reactor systems with similarresults. Free of phosphate, silicate, and organic material. Formulated by a marine scientist."
The TLC I'll have to look at the bottle when I get home. I'm away right now. But it's a water clarifier to use after a water change. After reading what is says on the Liquid Reef, it could be the cause of my high calcium and magnesium levels. I'll post what's in the TLC when I get home.
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
Is TLC liquid calcium?


Okay, I'm home and the bottle of TLC has no ingredients listed, it just says it's an Aquarium Optimizer and beautifies existing aquariums, maintains crystal clear water; eliminates toxic NH3 and NO2; improves water quality, digests excess organic sludge and is safe for all fish, vertebrates and aquatic plants. I found the website and its all about aquatic biocontrol and says it is all natural and not a chemical.
So after reading whats in the Liquid Reef and what it says about the TLC, what is the opinion of all those much more knowledgeable than me about saltwater aquariums?


Personally I would never add anything that did not list ingredients....BUT TO ADD TO THAT......if you are doing regular water changes, you should not have to dose anything at all


Liquid Reef is a waste of money and it's doing nothing but throwing off your parameters. TLC, another waste of money. If you're doing regularly scheduled water changes every 10 days, there's really no need to dose. Were your parameters off and that is what caused you to dose? What's with the TLC, are you using tap water or RO?
For what it's worth, I think the entire Brightwell's line is a waste of money. I haven't found one product that is worth the money.


Well-Known Member
Ditch the TLC, it's not necessary and you are wasting your money.
The Liquid Reef stuff that you use ... think about it - if you are dosing x amount now and your parameters are too high, do you think it would be safe to say that you should only be dosing x/2 to lower it to a safer level?
As long as alkalinity and calcium can balance each other out, there won't be any problems. If you have too high of alkalinity your calcium will precipitate out of the water and end up as a calcerous film on your glass, heaters and pumps. If your calcium exceeds alkalinity, calcium will precipitate out of the water in the form of calcium carbonate "snow." (it's like making sand, the hard way. lol) Either case is not to be taken lightly. Never dose a product unless you know the chemical reactions behind it. That's where research comes in to play!
1. Dose only half of what you have been.
2. Test the day after to make sure your water parameters are in check.
3. Research.
4. To get your water parameters back in check and where they are supposed to be, a 50% water change may be necessary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/389934/calcium-and-magnesium-high#post_3449766
Liquid Reef is a waste of money and it's doing nothing but throwing off your parameters. TLC, another waste of money. If you're doing regularly scheduled water changes every 10 days, there's really no need to dose. Were your parameters off and that is what caused you to dose? What's with the TLC, are you using tap water or RO?
For what it's worth, I think the entire Brightwell's line is a waste of money. I haven't found one product that is worth the money.
Not totally true.....His system could be consuming and might be a need for dosing......


Active Member
Not to bash but Brightwell.......That stuff is hideous. They make astronomical claims about their products. JUNK!!!!!!!


Active Member

What should I do. This has been going on for about a month and I'm wondering what I need to do if anything. My normal procedure is every 10 days, do a 10% water change, I then add TLC and a small doze of Liquid Reef. The next day I do my testing. That last few times I've done this, My parameters have been:

Sal 1.025
Amm 0
Trites 0
Nitrates 2.5
Phos .25
CA 500+
MAG 1500+
Alk 7 drops / 8.75

I'm very worried about the calcium and magnesium being so high. Everything seems to be doing fine in the tank, fish happy, corals seem happy and growing. I'm just wondering should I do another water change or do I need an additive to get those parameters lower.

Every thing looks good nothing wrong with those numbers but your Phosphate at .25. I would just keep in mind that with the CA 500+ and MAG 1500+ the alk will want to drop. As long as you can keep pH and alk up you are doing good. Just don't let the calcium and magnesium continue to go any higher.
Liquid Reef
Guaranteed Analysis
Calcium (min) 4,140 mg/oz. (140,000 ppm)
Carbonate (min) 3,100 mg/oz. (104,800 ppm)
Strontium (min) 80 mg/oz. (2,715 ppm)
Magnesium (min) 11 mg/oz. (386 ppm)
Potassium (min) 0.60 mg/oz. (20.6 ppm)
TLC®TenderLivingCare is Bacteria additive


Active Member
I think in all honesty that your going about it wrong from the jump, unless you simply failed to mention it in your post. You should test your water before adding anything to it, then add, then test again a day later.
Personally I have used Brightwells salt and it has not steered me wrong, I use to use Instant Ocean, but I could not maintain calcium levels, even in with the Reef Crystals. I do a water change every 14 Days and haven't dosed since.
There bottled products I agree are a not the best. Although, the levels you have are proof they work, I just don't think they are needed.
There use to be a saying, never dose what you can't test for. I agree with this statement!


When I first started my tank the TLC and the Liq Reef were given to me by LFS and I was told to use after each water change always. I took their word for it and everything has gone very well so far in my tank so I never researched it. Then when my parameters in the CA and Mag area went so high, I decided to ask. So shame on me for not doing my research and thanks for leading me back into the right direction. I will do another water change tonight and go from there.


Originally Posted by bugsman http:///t/389934/calcium-and-magnesium-high#post_3449861
When I first started my tank the TLC and the Liq Reef were given to me by LFS and I was told to use after each water change always. I took their word for it and everything has gone very well so far in my tank so I never researched it. Then when my parameters in the CA and Mag area went so high, I decided to ask. So shame on me for not doing my research and thanks for leading me back into the right direction. I will do another water change tonight and go from there.
I would test your water change water before it goes in your tank to see what your readings are. You might want to does a little of the Liquid Reef since you have it, but IMO, right now, you're using far too much.
In regards to mag, lower it slower. This may mean you still need to dose for a little bit and just cut back on the amount you're dosing. Magnesium can keep certain nuisance algae at bay, but lowering it or raising it too fast can have adverse effects on your corals, so keep an eye on that.


Just an update. I've done 2 10% water changes since I started this thread with no dosing of anything. Also did a thorough maintenance. As of yesterday, CA is at 480, Alk is 8.75 and Mag is 1400. So I think I have it under control once again, but I am keeping a close eye out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bugsman http:///t/389934/calcium-and-magnesium-high#post_3452631
Just an update. I've done 2 10% water changes since I started this thread with no dosing of anything. Also did a thorough maintenance. As of yesterday, CA is at 480, Alk is 8.75 and Mag is 1400. So I think I have it under control once again, but I am keeping a close eye out.
Good job!
Get a good 2 part, follow the instructions on starting dosage, adjust per weekly tests and you should be good.