calcium dosing = no results


New Member
ive been dosing with kent 2 part calcium additive now for 2 weeks and have seen little change in my calcium levels....for the last week even double dosing (40 ml)
my tests show my calcium in the low 300's ppm
according to my calculations, my calcium should be going up in my 90 gal tank about 7 ppm per day (doesn't include calcium being used up), but its barely budging
does raising the calcium level with a two part additive take longer than i anticipated, or am i missing something???

bang guy

I believe you are underestimating your Calcium load. Do you have corals? Coralline?
I would suggest dosing 40ml twice a day and see what happens.


New Member
got it, i'll work on the alk
btw, i've got 4 stoneys 'n a bunch o coralline on the live rock
hmmm, but now you've got me thinking...
any of you guys figure out a way to estimate the calcium load on your reef system. I mean, if your topping off with kalk, and maintaining a healthy calcium level, the amount of kalk used / day could be figured out, and the amount of calcium used
if your not topping off with kalk, but instead using a 2 part additive on a regular basis to maintain your calcium level, the frequency and amount dosed could be used to figure out the calcium load (much easier than above im guessing)...
alright, get out your kalk-ulators :rolleyes:
whats your calcium load?

bang guy


Originally posted by koolaid
Have you checked your magnesium?

Outstanding question!!!
Most two-part additives include a good supply of Mg. but it's still a great question.