calcium hardness


New Member
I have a 180 reef tank. Mh lighting. variety of soft and hard corals. Have just put a calcium reactor on tank. Calcium running betwee 400 and 425. Ph running 8.3 with meter. Fish and corals are doing outstanding. My concern is that the calcium hardness is above 16 dKH according to the Salifert test kit. Is this something to be concerned with, and if so how do I correct it. Precision Marine, the company that makes the calcium reactor says the dKH should be between 12-20 dKH. Any help will be appreciated


Active Member
That seems a little high. You could do some water changes to bring it down to 12 or so or just watch it to see if it levels out on its own.

bang guy

I also believe that's too high.
I would suggest decreasing your bubble count on the reactor.
Then add a little Calcium chloride to bump up the Calcium level AFTER it drops a bit. You're not in the red zone, but a small incident could start a precipitation event.

bang guy

just cut the bubbles very slightly. You're close to just right IMO. Your Ca is just a little out of balance with your ALK.