Calcium Hydroxide slurry????????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Ifirefight, if you are still around I have a few more questions about your iv setup. When you put the spike in the beginning of the iv unit into the cap on the milk jug did you silicone it in? Also I am assuming you used 1"-2" of flexible tubing to attach the spike and the non flex tubing you put into the jug, correct? Thank you in advance, my girlfriend brought the iv unit home last night (almost had to use it on myself from the shock I received after watching my emerald crab take a pinch at my nassarius snail), have the jug and am ready to go with these questions answered

You are correct. No I did not use any need because the flex tubing fits tightly over the spike and the rigid tubing. Dont forget the 10cc syringe..use it to start the syphon..just pinch the far end closed while you draw up the fluid.


Active Member
One more thing,use a small piece of the rigid tube as a vent... mount it just beside the spike in the lid,this will allow air in.


Active Member
I have it all, syringe, everything. Thank you for your help, the tank and I appreciate it. There is nothing like building an kalk drip for around $3.00, can't beat that. Thanks again.


Active Member
One more thing and I will leave you alone. How fast do you want this to drip?
PS I noticed on your original post that you were going to build a 10 gal setup and include pics. Would like to see it when you finish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
I have it all, syringe, everything. Thank you for your help, the tank and I appreciate it. There is nothing like building an kalk drip for around $3.00, can't beat that. Thanks again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
One more thing and I will leave you alone. How fast do you want this to drip?
PS I noticed on your original post that you were going to build a 10 gal setup and include pics. Would like to see it when you finish.
Right now I am dripping kalk so I am going slowly,but when I was just dripping calcium I would do the gallon in around 3 hours. No need to rush.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
Right now I am dripping kalk so I am going slowly,but when I was just dripping calcium I would do the gallon in around 3 hours. No need to rush.

I will be using Calcium Hydroxide (Its free too
) that is all Kent Kalkwasser is. Are you talking 24 hrs, days, less-more?


Active Member
I was dripping calcium only, to get my levels up. when you get all your levels where you want,THEN start kalk dripping. DO NOT add anything until you check ALL you levels and keep a record of levels. Im new at kalk so Im going slow...once I find the correct ratio I will use it in all my top off water/


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
I was dripping calcium only, to get my levels up. when you get all your levels where you want,THEN start kalk dripping. DO NOT add anything until you check ALL you levels and keep a record of levels. Im new at kalk so Im going slow...once I find the correct ratio I will use it in all my top off water/
I actually just read this in the archives. I did not know it was there. I noticed that I need to document my Calc and Alk, and adjust if need be, before dripping any kalk in the tank. I think you may have archive potential with the kalk dispensers you constructed, since I just read that one of the kent kalk dispensers costs $25 :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
I think you may have archive potential with the kalk dispensers you constructed, since I just read that one of the kent kalk dispensers costs $25 :scared:
LOL , I doubt it...there are many creative "Do it yourselfers" on this site. But I will say, its an easy and cheap way to dose.


Active Member
Ifire, where did you find the rigid tubing you used with this dripper. I went by Home Depot to find it, and they did not have it at this particular location. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Ifire, where did you find the rigid tubing you used with this dripper. I went by Home Depot to find it, and they did not have it at this particular location. Thanks
My LFS had lots of different size diameters of the rigid tubing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
My LFS had lots of different size diameters of the rigid tubing.

Excellent, that helps a bunch. I was sniffing around the wrong stores. The guy at hd was trying to sell me this "rigid" tubing but it was still flexible. He wouldn't leave the issue alone, I almost choked him.


I have just started to drip kalk in my 55g since i added a sump and refugium. With all the xtra water volume added I figured it would be necessary. I know you are supposed to let the kalk mix sit till the crust forms and it seperates at the bottom and clear in the middle. Also only drip the clear in the middle of the container. But am I supposed to swirl the jug everyday to mix it up a bit? Or just wait till all of the clear kalk in the middle is gone..dump it all out and start a new batch. I am kind of confused as to what I need to do. Hope it is allright i posted in this thread since it is on or about the same subject.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Don't stir it more than once.
Thanks Bang guy! Do I throw away the rest of the sludge left oin the jug and start a new batch after all the clear in the middle is gone?


New Member
Kalkwasser can be a great thing, but do testing on your parameters at least once a week. I used to use the IV drip thing, until I got a LiterMeter...
Now I mix a 5 gallon bucket up (1 tsp/gallon), stir it up, let it sit for a day, and set the LiterMeter to replace all the evaporated water with Kalk, which takes almost a week. A second bucket is mixed and on hand ready to go - it is normal to form a little "crust" on top of the water, and only dose the clear liquid. I set the suction hose of the LM about 7/8 way down the bucket.
The flow rate and frequency rate can be set, depending on your top-off needs. As stated by others, Kalkwasser has a very high pH, so keep a monitor on that - I love the PinPoint. Mine stays between 8.28 and 8.32 -
It is a somewhat expensive little gadget, but isn't everything with this hobby?
Having fun with it is all that counts :)

bang guy

Originally Posted by Smork81
Thanks Bang guy! Do I throw away the rest of the sludge left oin the jug and start a new batch after all the clear in the middle is gone?
If you have a high quality Lime like Kent you can leave the sludge in the bottom and some will dissolve when you make the next batch. I use the cheaper varieties so I throw out all sludge.


Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
isnt calcium hydroxide the stuff in ciggarettes that makes u lose ur hair?? and is also used in hair removal products?

just to let you guys know it's sodium hydroxide that is in hair relaxers and cigarettes and oven cleaners.............. never thought my cosmetology knowledge would come in handy on this