Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
I'll venture an educated guess here....you arent circulating your mixed water for more than 24 hrs maybe? PROPER water changes are important to the alk/pH relationship.
Do not add buffers to raise pH, buffers PROTECT pH. That is all. Raising pH is done by doing proper water changes, having good circulation and air to water surface agitaion, and fresh air to exchange within the room.
Once you get to your proper levels, use a good buffer like 2 part b-ionic in proper doses.
Your high calcium may be due to the salt mix...some like oceanic? i think it is have very high Calcium levels, and some are low (instant ocean.)
I prefer using a low calcium mix and using b-ionic to raise and keep it, seems to work for me.
I usually arrate water for at least 20 hrs, and use instant ocean to keep my calc down, but its always been on the high side since cycling last yr.