calcium level


New Member
My calcium level is around 600 i have some mushrooms in my tank that came on live rock is this to high and i am about 3 weeks into set up amonia nitrite nitrate are all ok just leaving brown algea stage i have been using purple up as directed by local pet store

bang guy

Yes, that is too high. It's so high that i doubt you have much Alkalinity left.
Is your LFS telling to to raise calcium so high? I strongly recommend you stop adding Calcium.


Active Member
Stop using the purple up it is causing your calcium to be so high. Purple up won't make coraline grow any faster than just maintaining your calcium level to about 420 and your alk between 7-11Dkh. You also need to be testing your alkilinity. Stop using the purple up and do the needed water changes to complete your cycle and your calcium will come back down.


Active Member
If you want fast growing coraline try kalwassr in your topoff and Kent's liquid calcium daily per direction. You will need to use kent's strontium/moly also. I agree, purple up is a waste of money. I tryed it and tossed a half bottle.
Now all I use is Kent's stron/moly, liquid calcium, top-off with kalk, Kent's Iodine daily per directions.