California does it again

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
We'd get to keep what we send to the useless Fed now.
Rent out our military bases at exhorbitant rates and charge add'l import duties for all the crap that comes from China through the ports of OAK and LA.
Pretty much solves the problem.

Would never work, the tree hugging loonies in your legislature would turn the bases into sanctuaries for field mice and the ports would be turned into Ocean puppy sanctuaries free of ships to interfere with their predatory behavior.

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by Cranberry
Ya, evidently we screwed up royally somewhere where we are in debt.... again, I don't follow politics so I don't know the specifics. But I our
taxes were raised as were many many incidental costs (like doubling of car registration)... we didn't raise yours to solve our problems..... so why is it your problem to complain about.
It isnt my problem yet,unless the anointed one the messiah decides to give the Terminator federal money in the form of a bailout.


Could someone from Cali please inform me why your state is a tree hugging loon breading grounds. And how do we stop them from coming to Colorado?
We have to many now, they are alread taking over.
On a better note we have the make my day law! I sleep with a 38 S&W hoping to do my part to better the world.


Active Member
The majority of Californians were not born here either.
I'd be willing to bet that at least 1/2 the CA emmigrants to CO came via, but were not originally native to, CA.
Wanna stop it? Couple suggestions:
1) Tell your legislators to stop creating comparitively favorable business conditions.
2) Buy your fruits and vegetables locally instead of from here.
3) Make your property taxes more prohibitive than they are here.
4) Raise your sales and income taxes.
Do all that and we lousy Californians (who keep the internet, through which you're complaining about us, alive) will go away. Guaranteed.

Meantime, for those who don't like Hollywood? Stop supporting it. Stop going to movies, shut down your cable/dish and internet, stop staying at hotels which offer "free" HBO and wireless, stop going to Sports Bars, don't buy a Blue Ray or an HD flat screen, lose the PS3 and the XBox, etc.


Active Member
Don't worry, the Big One's coming. After Cali drops into the Pacific, no one can complain about them anymore.


Active Member
If you were to take Orange, Los Angeles, Marin and Sacto counties out of California, it would be a great place. Seems like the traffic congestion and over-crowding make people go nuts. The four highest population counties rule the whole state. There was a movement, a semi-serious movent, in Northern California in the 1980's to get the northern half of the state seperated into their own, new state. If you talk to folks from NoCal, they hate SoCal as much, or more, than the rest of the country.


Active Member
All those "Californians" who are moving into and ruining other states are actually people originally from other states who moved to California, ruined it and are now moving on to greener pastures.