call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Good news for me, the actinics are working just fine on my lighting. Can't wait though to get the lighting serviced this weekend.
When I checked this evening with the halides on, there is only one of the three ricordeas still on the rock that I placed last evening...
. Snails, crabs and starfish are causing havoc with these little guys. Unfortunately for me, I also won another ricordea from the same seller, and a "rock" of devil's zoas...hopefully they'll come attached to little rock fragments...sheesh. I did contact the seller with my concerns...hopefully my concerns will make them take a good look at their procedures. Shipping and packing was AWESOME from this seller, gotta say that!!
That's it for now.
Side note on this post. I did contact the seller regarding what happened with my new ricordea mushrooms, and they are not only going to be sending me the new orange ric that I won, but also will be including an extra ricordea in the deal. I think that's pretty awesome.


Active Member
I think that I've got some HAPPY fish!! I've reset my timers so that I can come home from work and actually enjoy my tank for a while...good for me too!! I watch the tank instead of the boob tube.
Bozo (my male clown fish) is SO into snuggling into the mushroom leather that made its way down into their (the clowns') area. Looks like he's snuggling into a water bed.
Benny has made his home in a cave where he can keep an eye on everything...I swear, it's like he's been in the neighborhood forever!! Jack...well, what can I say, he comes out for feedings and that's pretty much it. He's gorgeous and looking very fat and happy (as all my fish are)...I wish he would come out more, but as I've said..that's just his way.
All in all things are moving along VERY nicely. I'm cautiously optimistic about my new skimmer. It's pulling gunk, getting quieter...yada, yada, yada. We'll see. I just don't want to come home from work one day and find 5 gallons of water spilled out... again, I'm cautiously optimistic and so far, impressed (sssshhhh)

That's it for now.


Active Member
Great to hear your tank and its' occupants are happy and healthy.
Just curious, how's the little fire goby I gave your daughter?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Great to hear your tank and its' occupants are happy and healthy.
Just curious, how's the little fire goby I gave your daughter?
Oooo, yeah...the fire fish...
Let's just say that we under estimated the benefits of egg crate. That and the fact that she had one of THE largest brittle starfish in history (from this site). Between those 2 elements, poor Beth lost a few fish...just gone. At this point, she has her clown pair, a green chromis, a pink spotted goby, and a red headed fair wrasse (centerpiece fish, in my opinion...just gorgeous). And yes, for those who would wonder, we did put egg crate over her tank, and mine as well, and she relocated the brittle stars to the LFS. So far, everyone is living happily ever after.
Sorry about Flash, Ryk. He's one that went carpet surfing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Looking good, glad you are back into it and excited about it.
Thanks a lot Spanko.
I just received another shipment of corals...2 ricordea mushrooms and a small rock of devil zoas. I just placed them in the tank to temp acclimate. I can't wait to see them in the tank and doing well. More later.


Active Member
Ok, here's what I did tonight. Not only did I get the orange ricordea that I paid for, but I also received a beautiful green and purple as a replacement for the ones that I lost last time. I also received the rock of devil zoas and a surprise rock of some other kind of zoas, 2 polyps, PLUS a cerith snail (probably a hitch hiker). They all went into the tank very nicely, and so far are staying put...I think I'm learning how to do this quickly and efficiently

As long as the light was off of the tank, I also took the bio bale out of my CPR bak pak skimmer since I'm working on a reef, I watched, and readjusted that (still on the fence about having a skimmer). BUT, then I also placed my heater in the outlet chamber of the skimmer. Hopefully that's okay...if ANYBODY sees a problem with that, PLEASE tell me!! I can always move it back.
After all was put back together, I noticed a couple of nasty little mojanos hanging out, one right near my cool little red mushroom
. I boiled up some water and blasted them
. Hopefully they're gone for good. I'll keep an eye on things in that respect.
I think that's it for now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Oh yup. Where are the pictures???

More pictures to come tomorrow evening. Hopefully my new corals will be happy and opened by that time. Right now, all are under 1 (yeah, one!!) LED lunar light...till I get the rest replaced.
Until then...any opinion on placing my heater in the outake chamber of my skimmer? I really want to know if that's going to be an okay decision.


Active Member
So far, so good with the frags that I placed last evening. At least all are staying put.
I had to raise my skimmer about 1/2 inch because the outlet was completely submerged. The skimmer is going like crazy, but you know me, I'm not going to sound praises in that department just burned too many times by other skimmers... so far this one is the best though, I'll say that. Plan is to take the Accela pump out during water changes to soak in fresh water to be sure that things don't get clogged up there. The skimmer has collected about 1/2 inch of waste in the cup already though...not bad for a new skimmer.
I didn't (obviously) get a chance for new pictures today. Tomorrow for sure. Stay tuned.


Mona, how do you take pics of your bowfront?
everytime I try, they come out blurry, any tips?
I'm not sure if you mentioned it, but i'd rather not read through 800+ posts.
Beautiufl tank BTW.


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
Mona, how do you take pics of your bowfront?
everytime I try, they come out blurry, any tips?
I'm not sure if you mentioned it, but i'd rather not read through 800+ posts.
Beautiufl tank BTW.
Nah, I don't think I ever mentioned my picture taking technique in this thread...well, if I had one. I usually end up taking lots and lots of pictures and pick out the ones that turn out the best to post. Photography is really not my forte. Usually the pictures that turn out are the ones when I have the setting on my camera set at "close up". Every once in a while I get lucky with a good shot. Thank you for the nice compliment, I'm very proud of my tank and go to great pains to keep it looking pristine and beautiful.
Well, very busy week. I'll be spending this coming week in Curacao on a scuba diving trip (can't wait), so hence, no pics to add since this week we also have our 2 year old grandson and our grandpuppies (2 of them) while our daughter and son in law vacation in Las Vegas. I's been very busy.
My reef seems to be looking more and more beautiful every day. Not sure if the skimmer has something to do with that...I know it's not hurting. So far, I would recommend this skimmer to anyone who would be interested in daughter has asked that I give her a run down on it after I've had it for 6 months. Like I said, so far, very impressed with the dry skim that it's been pulling.
I think that's it for now.


Active Member
Lisa, when you get a chance and take pictures, can you take on of your skimmer. I have been thinking of one for my 54 gal seahorse tank.